View Full Version : Worried about an infection

rock chick
09-02-12, 04:16
One of my current HA fears was getting an infection, I've been on different antibiotics for varying reasons for weeks but there wasn't any evidence I had an infection, that was until today. I got some blood results back and was told I had a nasty infection, got another repeat for the current antibiotics I'm on and to go back and see. I'm a bit upset I might have got 1 when I was already on different ones and the word nasty made me panic, I don't seem to be getting worse but I just feel like what caused it and will I be able to get rid of it properly when it's got to this point? I started getting red spots on my hands a little while ago but then I got a large rash on my leg out of nowhere and so I wanted to know what was going on. On top of that I had a tooth removed just over a week ago and it's still tender but it didn't get bad and I'm due to see the dentist next week to have a look at another tooth that is hurting often. Now, how easily is it for the dentist to tell if I had an infection in that tooth? I could go for a filling possibly but I really want to know if that tooth is causing all this somehow.

09-02-12, 08:40
What I would do is try adding lots of natural garlic to your cooking or get some garlic capsules. Trust me it is a natural antibiotic and will help with fighting infections.
Also I would recommend getting some probiotics from the pharmacy or health store as usually if you have been taking alot of antibiotics its usually causes a loss of good bacteria which also could be causing rashes and candida or yeast infections.

What annoys me about some doctors as they just keep handing out antibiotics willy nilly which is not neccessarilly a good thing.

But try what I mentioned anyway and see if that helps, but apparently garlic is the best form because it doesnt leave any nasty side effects.

rock chick
09-02-12, 10:06
In fairness to the doctors I did ask for them, I knew being on them too long wasn't a great thing but the first time I really thought I had an abscess but apparently didn't, then I wanted to stop an infection from getting the tooth removed and now I really do need them.

I'm one of those people that are scared of getting an infection and prefer to take them to actually stop it happening (this is not common however as I usually aren't in many situations where I'm at much risk), I know not the best of ideas but I am at a bit of a higher risk when it comes to infections when getting teeth removed and it makes me a bit paranoid.

Thanks for the advice, I know about the pills to place good bacteria in you, I've taken them before.

In honesty I have a crap immune system and that's something I really want to improve as it just makes me feel more run down, prone to getting infections and viruses last longer.