View Full Version : Prozac side effects very sore breasts

09-02-12, 05:52
I am just wondering if anyone is experiencing very tender breasts with prozac, i have been on this medication for 11 days and the tender breasts started on day 5..... very engorgered and unbelievably sore.......

i hope there is someone else out there who is also experiencing this>>>>

09-02-12, 09:04
Hi - I have googled this and apparently it said certain SSRIs - Prozac and Zoloft can cause this? Google Mayo Clinic - I have not heard of it though - would think it would be temporary. Laura

09-02-12, 09:18
it could be the SSRI or it could be hormone fluctuation.....I used to get very sore breasts (couldnt even wear a bra) when I also suffered with heavy periods....I think its to do with hormone levels,as since I have been taking the progesterone only pill,the pain has completely gone.
lack of progesterone can make you eostrogen dominant,which does cause breast pain....

17-02-12, 07:16
Thanks so much you two,
That side effect has gone away and i am resembling a human being again!