View Full Version : An honest ask for help

09-02-12, 09:14
off fellow sufferers of anxiety / panic

I have suffered for 20 + years now and despite various tablets etc have always drank to calm the rising panic

However this has now caught up with me as my liver is not too great so I am embarking on a detox program as of Monday under supervision from Leeds Addiction Unit

I don't want sympathy as it is my own doing but any well wishes and encouragement would be MUCH APPRECIATED

thanks for reading and will keep you posted


09-02-12, 10:09
mike - good luck for your treatment - you will probably feel crap during it but keep focussed on the bigger picture and how much better you will feel after . nothing worth achieving is ever easy

09-02-12, 13:05
Good luck Mike :yesyes: !!!!
Well done for looking for help and trying to get better!
I wish you all the best :hugs:

09-02-12, 13:22
:hugs:Good lucl too Mike.
All the very best:hugs:

09-02-12, 13:24
Mike good luck with your treatment, you can do it, and the fact you are going shows how strong a person you are :hugs:

09-02-12, 15:35
Good luck Mike.

09-02-12, 16:51
Good luck Mike, you can do it!

09-02-12, 17:01
Drinking numbs the anxiety, it can be the one thing that helps when sleeping pills and anti-ds fail. I understand totally, went through a phase myself. You are doing a great thing and will feel so much better for it. Good vibes coming your way :)

09-02-12, 17:39
A lot of people who suffer anxiety/depression "self-medicate" with alcohol, especially men so don't beat yourself up about it too much.

Well done for seeking the help you obviously need before it's too late and the best of luck too. :flowers:

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 17:19 ----------

A lot of people who suffer anxiety/depression "self-medicate" with alcohol, especially men so don't beat yourself up about it too much.

Well done for seeking the help you obviously need before it's too late and the best of luck too. :flowers:

09-02-12, 18:05
thank you all for your replies and kind words and more important your non judgemental attitudes - I know I have messed this up but its time to try and put it right - am terrified to be honest as booze is the only thing that gives me a little respite from the constant terror but am hoping that somewhere without the fog of vodka / beer etc there is a strong person ..............watch this space ! once again thanks all

love mike

12-02-12, 11:03
officially terrified !!!!!!! x

12-02-12, 12:53
officially terrified !!!!!!! x
Tell them exactly that at the clinic tomorrow. They are there to help you through this so be totally honest when it is crap. Forget about messing up, that is the past and behind you. Concentrate on now and what you would like for your future. You deserve a great life the same as anyone else.
You have already proved that you are a strong person by admitting your problem and asking for and accepting help. It takes a lot of strength to take the steps you have already taken.
Good luck tomorrow.:yesyes:

12-02-12, 13:43
Mike, you are bound to feel scared, but this is the first step to your recovery, and they will be so used to seeing people in your position, it will not phase them at all.

Good luck....you can do it, and are a strong person for trying......and will be stronger for doing. all the very best and keep us posted xx

12-02-12, 14:10
thank you for your replies - i know it won't be easy but i feel like a startled deer caught in headlights hope will be ok scared of panicking in the place where they assess me scared of panicking in the waiting room scared full stop ........... how did it come to this bloody anxiety it does you no favours but thanks for all your kind words will let you know tomorrow how I get on mike xxxxxxxxxxx

12-02-12, 16:03
We are all scared of panicking. That's why we are all in this bl**dy mess in the first place. Panic away tomorrow. Tell them you are panicking. It will all be part of your recovery, panicking, admitting it, getting help and dealing with it.
I really admire you. You know that this is going to be tough but you are going to do it. You should be very proud of yourself.
Enjoy your recovery rather than fearing it.

12-02-12, 17:32
Mike well done you, good luck in your detox. xx

12-02-12, 18:15
Hope all goes well Mike

Might be worth taking plenty of fizzy pop with you to quench your thirst through detox.

They should be able to manage the withdrawl from alcohol with good medication. Plenty of pop to drink can help.

Good luck, Vince :)

12-02-12, 18:21
Good luck for tomorrow, Mike.

They are there to help and support you.

Hope it all goes well xxx

12-02-12, 21:18
Good luck Mike, I hope all goes well for you. I also drink to relieve my anxiety as it's the only thing that makes me feel normal for a few hours. Only trouble is though it's a vicious cycle and I only end up feeling 10 worse the next day and more anxious than ever.

12-02-12, 21:40
Hello Mike - wishing you well for tomorrow. I think you're very brave indeed and I'm sure you'll get through it all. My brother is due to start a detox on Wednesday and I've been in regular contact by phone with him - it must be a scarey time for you both.

You'll get there!


Veronica H
13-02-12, 01:05
:flowers::bighug1:Stay strong Mike. Keep in touch. We are all sending you positive vibes.


15-02-12, 18:17
Good luck Mike! It will be ok!

I can say this because I'm on day 2 of my detox. I drank to combat anxiety.

He's to a new start for both us.


15-02-12, 18:53
Best of luck to you!

I think it's a very positive step as I like to drink but always feel so much worse te next day and I think having a good detox will do u the world of good.

Keep us posted x

15-02-12, 19:29
Wow, that is amazing that you are doing this. Good luck, I wish you the best. Entering a program like that takes a lot of courage and strength, so know that you have both of those qualities and therefore will make it through. Keep up posted!

15-02-12, 21:29
Hi Guys

thanks so much for the replies - never dreamed would get so many but I should have known better on this site

Just an update - day 3 now alcohol free - detox drugs run out Saturday and I guess work on Monday will be the big tests but so far so good

thanks all will keep you posted

much love

mike xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-02-12, 21:36
Good luck Mike!

15-02-12, 21:37
Good luck Mike! Brilliant stuff!

15-02-12, 21:56
Very well done Mike - and good luck. :)


---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

And well done and good luck to you too Mabel!:)


16-02-12, 00:42
Great job Mike! :)