View Full Version : Yesterday was my worst day ever-scared

09-02-12, 10:11
Just feeling so worried all the time is really taking it out of me. Yesterday I had panic attacks, spent nearly all day feeling lightheaded, lost count of the times I cried.

For the first time I experienced thoughts of harming myself. Talked to my hubby about it and for some reason I felt like I needed him to take my medication away to work with him, I got it in my head that I might feel so low I might have taken them all and I was scaring myself....

Whats happening to me... I know its probably my meds changing over thats causing it but I'm quite frightened...

Any advice would be appreciated...Jo x

09-02-12, 10:18
im sure it is probably change in meds... not sure which you are on, but have a look at some threads on your particular meds and side effects....
You dont want to die, so you wont hurt yourself.. thats just a scary thought popping in....

09-02-12, 12:49
are you on any tranquilsers at the moment ? something to get you through this mayhem>? even to give you head room for a few days, to think straight.

I just got a blip with my anxiety and I was fealt so horrible I went to my GP and on top of my effexor he gave me valium 5mg by 3 a day, I started taken them yesterday and I am relaxed since yesterday and had my first proper sleep all week last night.

dreams are wierd but.

09-02-12, 12:57
Hi JoJo,
Sorry you had a bad day... yesterday wasn't special for me either :weep: I know those thoughts are very scary but they are just thoughts... our mind can be quite cruel sometimes, specially when you are feeling vulnerable...
I know that some medication have that side effect and you can check with your doctor. Try to distract yourself... the other day I had the same scary thought and I just switched on the radio really loud and did the washing up! I know it sounds silly but it really helped me. It is scary but you will be ok... hope you are having a better day today :hugs:and keep on writing and talking to us, that helps me too!!! x

09-02-12, 13:27
i know how u feel i have had panick and anxiety attacks for many years now and i have though self harm and taking over dose. but when i come to it i couldnt because the way we think is that if we end it all we wont have to suffer any more cuz no one knows how we feel docs family. theyjust dont understand i feel like they dont belive me and i get really angry but im scared of death and illnesses so wheni thnk bout doin summit stupid i prob wouldnt do it cuz my kids would suffer more if i was to leave them.

09-02-12, 14:37
Thanks guys... Not on any tranqs Tommy just trying to swap over from Citalopram 40mg to trazadone 150mg to see if I'm any better....on propranolol 40mg too.

I feel a little better today but still not brilliant. Feel less tearful but now feel like I'm numb and lacking emotion. Still lacking patience and am blowing my top easily.

Feel silly for thinking I might take my tablets because today I don't feel that is ever gonna happen. I'm cross with myself now for causing my lovely hubby any worry.

Distracted myself last night by having a friend come for a cuppa and a chat...felt better after that. I feel like I'm running away all the time, avoiding things in my life that I find difficult and then I feel silly and guilty.... Hate feeling like this

Thanks again..