View Full Version : Help, my heart attack anxiety is getting out of control!

09-02-12, 17:33
Recently I have had this terrble fear of having a heart attack. It's the main cause of my panic attacks at the moment. I'm terrified by every slight pain in my back, arm, jaw, neck, chest, basically anywhere! I'm constantly checking my pulse and I never stop worrying about my heart.
Today I even got scared because I was jogging about in the corridoor and I started panicking because it made my heart beat faster, which I know is normal obviously but I couldn't control my fear.
I'm only 16, a few weeks ago I went to the doctors and he listened to my heart and said it was fine, took my blood pressure etc. It was all fine, but I'm still afraid. I'm healthy and have never had heart problems or family history but I can't control these fears.
At the moment the fear is really disabling and I haven't been to school this week because I've pretty much had a break down.
My mum's arranging for my to have CBT therapy and I'm on 80mg slow release Propranolol, which scared me because it's the first proper medication I've ever had to take. This fear is taking over my life and I just want to get back to how I was before. Please give me some advice!

09-02-12, 18:58
WittyFool, My fear is having a heart attack. Have had ecgs, stress tests and 2 visits to a&e so have had all the bloods done and chest x-rays twice and have been told my heart is as strong as a ox.

The only help you will get here is good advice. And I am going to give you some, Right your only 16 your heart should be OK your doctor has told you (the only way you would be having problams at your age is if you were born with a heart defect).

STOP stressing about you heart your young Play football,xbox do something do anything but STOP worrying about your heart.
CBT would be a good thing for you your mums on the right path with that.
The fear is taking over your life WELL DON'T LET IT.

eight days a week
09-02-12, 20:17
My biggest fear as well.

It helped a lot when I had CBT. My therapist reinforced that you can't bring on a heart attack just by worrying about it! And also, I had had panic attacks hundreds of times before about this and how many heart attacks have I had?..um, NONE :doh:

The 80mg Propanalol is what I'm on - it will protect your heart even if there is an underlying problem, which I very much doubt for someone so young.

If I were you I would continue to see my GP and explain my worries until they are gone. I did that and in the end my GP referred me to see the heart specialist and have more detailed checks which all showed up ok, but it really helped me to have that reassurance.

Try not to worry so much if you can (I do know so much easier said than done, but it's true) and good luck :)

09-02-12, 20:27
WittyFool, My fear is having a heart attack. Have had ecgs, stress tests and 2 visits to a&e so have had all the bloods done and chest x-rays twice and have been told my heart is as strong as a ox.

The only help you will get here is good advice. And I am going to give you some, Right your only 16 your heart should be OK your doctor has told you (the only way you would be having problams at your age is if you were born with a heart defect).

STOP stressing about you heart your young Play football,xbox do something do anything but STOP worrying about your heart.
CBT would be a good thing for you your mums on the right path with that.
The fear is taking over your life WELL DON'T LET IT.

Good piece of advice this... Wish I could take it on board