View Full Version : went doc. big mistake

19-06-06, 04:55
hey again well i went to the doctors today and guess what........ of course he tells me i dont have a tumour so he gave ne medication for ocd ha and dp .. it's called lovel or somethin like that. why couldn't he just give me a scan?
he said my headaches are cause by my problems and they wont go away til i start treating it... what if he's wrong??????

now i'm still just as scared and i am also angry just because i suffer form ha doesnt mean that it might not be something more serious

what are your thoughts?

19-06-06, 05:29
Hi...I've onyl been on this site a fwe months but I can see you're exactly the way I was a year ago before I got proper help. Did you know that headaches are not an indication of brain tumors. there are a squillion other things that docs look for that we don't even know about and they don't tell us health anxiety sufferers because then we'll look for that symptom and find it. Doctors are very smart and you should learn to trust yours.......talk freely with them about your fears and reservations on their opinions so they can know you as an individual. I always obsessed over brain tumors with every headache...no matter how minor and that was 10 years ago. I've had myself dead and buried so many times it's not funny and I'm just getting better with proper anxiety meds and cbt therapy. I feel like a new person and I can see things so much more clearly now so I DO know what I'm talking about. Please..please rest assured that you don't have a tumor...they are so rare and EVERYBODY gets headaches all the time. Just remember that we sufferers react soooo differently as the fear overtakes us. I'm sure you are fit and healthy and I wish you all the best for getting well some day. Please try not to be scared. I wish I could help you see clearer xx

19-06-06, 05:54
thankyou soooooooo much what you said meant alot , i no i have these problems and i should take the meds but i'm too scared to take them cause i have a huge fear of bein allergic to them... god it's just a visious cycle... i just wanna feel narmal!!!!!

thanks again

19-06-06, 09:02
Hi Kiss
Glad you went to the doctor, it is just like chevy said, with health anxiety it is the anxiety that is the problem, we can spend forever looking up cures and symptoms to find out what we have got and are currently 'dying of' but ultimately it is our health anxiety that is causing it. Please believe me that you need to deal with you fear and anxiety first and foremost, only when you deal with that and learn to see it for what it is will you start to see the symptoms lessen, i know how you feel about meds but sometimes we need them to help us feel normal again and to start putting things into perspective. Good luck

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-06-06, 09:07
thanks daisybun
i will try as of tomorrow morn to take the medication and see how i go
you'll prob all get a million posts of me in the next couple of days as taking them will make me panic i hope you dont get too sick of me
but i will try to persaver as i know it is in my best intrests

thanks again
as always great advice from everyone :)

19-06-06, 09:43
hi kiss i really can relate to what you are saying, i think sometimes we are our own worst enemy!we just need to turn our brains way of thinking around to more positive thoughts again!god that sounds sooo easy when i write it down!if only i could practice what i preach lol!!!take care feel free to pm me rachel x x

19-06-06, 14:03
Kiss reading your first post reminded me of my sister 3 years ago. Like you she was convinced she had a brain tumor & her doc kept on telling her she didnt, she repeatedly went back to him & he did eventually have to send her for a scan just to reassure her becuase he said it was frustrating that he couldnt convince her. He also said he cant win because she doesnt believe what he says yet to say he will give in and send her for a scan to reasure her she then thinks he is sending her because HES worried. He couldnt win. NOT wanting to scare you but to be honest she did end up having a breakdown (didnt sleep for 3 days & basically couldnt function anymore) Luckily her hubby was there. He came over & put her on some drugs to make her sleep, she slept for a couple of days & she then had anti depressants. Shes fine now & is great with me when i get the anxiety & she recommended no more panic, although she used the phone service rather than the site. She still gets headaches, proper migraines thats last days & suffers with the anxiety but not about the headaches now.
Pleases please try and believe your doctor. This sounds so familiar to me & im sure it does to others reading too.
Good luck xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

19-06-06, 14:22
Hi Kiss,

I've been the same as you in the past and I still won't take meds for the very same reasons! Your doc is just being cruel to be kind. Because further investigations like scans, blood tests, heart monitors etc, only feed our HA. How many people on here have demanded all these tests and then afterwards are still convinced there's something seriously wrong?? LOADS!! and I'm guilty too m'lud!! It's like googling- the more you do it the more you worry, then you do it again and again and again.

You have to break the cycle mate. I did it and my health anxiety is virtually nil again. If I get a symtom I get busy and think positive thoughts. I know it's not that easy but it works if you keep practising. CBT is the thing for you if you haven't done it yet. A psychologist will be more helpful than a GP believe me!

Take care (I hope I wasn't too harsh, but I have been there mate)

Shiv x

19-06-06, 22:58

no that wasnt too harsh at all its just the truth you are right . i have demanded ct scans and i did get one 3 years ago and it was all clear, and guess what yes i still think i have one. what is so wrong with our brains that even after seeing it there in black and white that we still think we have something? Yet if it were one of my friends i'd be saying oh my god man you had a scan its nothing what the hell is wrong with you ...
and that is what they all say to me....
i am just so over all this and for years i have refused medication but i think now it has gotten to the point where its either i have to take it or i am going to end up in the mental home. i just have to keep convincing myself that it is just the ocd and ha making me do this and due to the fact i have it for years and haven't been able to get rid of it i need medication to help me .
thanks again guys :)
hope you all have a good day :D

19-06-06, 23:09
My partner, a few years ago, died from a brain tumor and headaches was never one of his symptoms.
I got terrible headaches after he died and thought i had one, it was stress.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

19-06-06, 23:17
i am very sorry to hear you lost your partner my sympathys to you
i no how hard it is to lose someone your close to .
i do hate feeling this way and there has been times when i sit there and think god how selfish am i ? there really are ppl out there dying of cancer and tumours and are in so much pain everyday knowing they are going to die and that makes me feel so very selfish really it does ...
i hope that one day i can overcome my fear .
and i hope your anxiety gets better soon too

19-06-06, 23:21
Thank you and i feel exactly as you say but it still doesn't seem to stop us worrying does it, what are we like?
Still atleast we are not alone,


Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

20-06-06, 07:13
I know what you mean kiss25. I was only saying to my mate the other day i sometimes feel really guilty feeling like this because there are people out there that actually do have these illnesses.
I hope you feel better soon.
This anxiety thing is damn cruel to be honest, its extremely clever & manipulative.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!