View Full Version : Constant obsessive thoughts

09-02-12, 20:17
I've been off meds for a while but feel as though these obsessive sexual thoughts are coming back like I'm seeing myself acting on these and causing me now to feel quite agitated and it's very annoying aswell, I've seen a therapist in the past who has I have obsessive thoughts and was on was on propranolol and clomipramine but I stopped taking them for a few weeks and had a work placement (unemployed at the moment) and up for cbt soon but fearing now these might stick which I hope NOT, if you look at my posts in the past you'll see why i'm concerned because of these thoughts, keeping busy helped and took my mind focused on other things but I'm fearing that these thoughts are tryring to bring out things that I WON'T act on period but fearing what if the medication won't help and just keep obsessing over them.

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

My therapist has told me I won't act on these and has been very reassuring, I've also had violent criminal thoughts in the past which bothered me like that I would get some thrill on stabbing or murdering people and fearing that I was also a cannibal or some kind of sick guy that was into arson and into murder but I know deep down that isn't me and everyone has violent thoughts throughout the.day and was reassured on that, I was also fearing that I would have a breakdown but was again reassured by my therapist on that too.

09-02-12, 21:45
Just thoughts, deep down you know you won't act on them, I struggle with them still to be honest and I just think ok thats just a thought, I can think the most bizarre thing ever but its just in my mind. Whats important is that you are worried about them and know that they are strange.

10-02-12, 17:27
Thanks again harvestmouse, much appreciated mate :)

10-02-12, 18:01
I know how you feel, JM. I've been dealing with these negative thoughts for the first time myself. I did, however, find a book that was most helpful and gave me some really great (yet challenging) ideas. One of the exercises in the book is to write out a narrative of your most disturbing thought and not holding back on any detail whatsoever. As hard as it is (and it's supposed to be hard), complete the narrative and then review it several times a day. The idea of this exercise is to expose you to those thoughts so you won't try to suppress them. I myself haven't been brave enough yet to write mine, probably because I'm scared of someone else in the house seeing it. But I'm going to attempt it tonight. Another way that you can do this (if having it on paper is too difficult) is playing the scenario out in your head, just letting it run free. Doing this repetetively should have the same effect, and you will begin to accept these thoughts as just "thoughts". If you're anything like I was after reading this, you're probably freaked that you might actually do something if you accept the unwanted thoughts. However, I can reassure you that you will NOT. Although we may be having these thoughts, they do not define who we are. Our core being does not (and never will) change, no matter how freaked out we get. :)

Hope this read offered you a little bit of comfort. Know that you are not alone, we ARE going to beat these thoughts over the head!!

10-02-12, 18:12
Good to hear from you JM :)Really sorry you are tormented by the thoughts.

All humans have them, but it's usually only kind-hearted and loving people who they torment.

I reckon if everybody in the world suddenly wrote down their thoughts, then you would see everybody had the same tormenting story.

It seems so-called 'normal people' are somehow able to ignore them or whatever. Who knows?

What I do know is it always seems to be good people who get tormented by thoughts since a good person reacts, like you have, in such an alarmed and frantic way.

WE are not responsible for our thoughts !!! Unwelcome thoughts come into our mind uninvited. And these thoughts send an impulse of fear racing through us. Medication can help.

But just knowing, JM, you are a minority ...that is ....perhaps one in a million who actually has the courage to do something about them is noble of you.

If you can, lighten up and take heart knowing you have the courage to do something about them.

Good luck mate, Vince:)

13-02-12, 04:32
Thanks again guys, I appreciate it very much! :)

13-02-12, 06:59
i have them too, i just imagine that i am watching a movie, and try to focus on something else....then they just go away...exercise and meditation helps me a lot...

13-02-12, 17:00
Read this article that is pretty relevant. I hope it helps :)
