View Full Version : Get a Second Opinion

10-02-12, 02:12
A second-opinion of just what it is you are suffering is, I found out this week, so so important .

It all began about a week ago when I went to see the gp. I once broke my thumb and it was advised, at the time, to have it surgically re-aligned. It was a bad-break. But at the time I just wanted to be out of plaster and carry on with my life.

And so I went to the gp. The thumb must need re-aligning since it does ache loads when I write or play the piano a lot.

Well now; while I was in the consultation I asked the gp would he conduct a quick "Check Up'. And so he took my Blood Pressure and, at once, said it was high:ohmy: Everday I train really hard most days ... and I am not overweight or stressed. ???? I love my sport and the thought of not being able to do it was awful.

The gp scribbled a referall letter to the practise nurse. I was to see her in a weeks time. So I had a full week to stew. !!!!!

During that time I have been really puzzled and downhearted because of this blood pressure thing.

I love my training routine. It had become so much a part of my life. Even so, I thought I had better stop training in case ...well ...you know what ...in case I was already on the verge of a Heart attack.!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I went to the Nurse for the appointment. She checked my Blood Pressure ... then she wrote something down with a pen on a piece of paper at her desk ...she looked at me and said :-

"Your blood pressure is perfect." !!!!!!!!

As you can imagine, what a releif.

Yet since I know loads of doctors from my work, I had already been telling them: " I have been diagnosed with High blood pressure".

I did not call at their surgeries in case they re-examined me : ) ...but I did see two of them at their homes' preparing myself for the worst....that's how worked up I'd got.

In fact, one of them himself has high BP and so, since I knew this, I targeted him for advice:)

Regarding our mental health ... it is so important we speak to "Independent" people also. I stress independent.

For if we see a person concerning our mental health who has access to our medical records, then they will be reluctant to go against what the doctor has already said. That's the way it works.

A blood pressure machine is scientifically accurate .....however, when it comes to examining the mind and our spirit we are, as a society, in short supply of experts.

They say the best poachers make the best gamekeepers. That's why I think this forum is such a blessing.

Have a good day:
