View Full Version : Extreme Headache for last 7 days !!

10-02-12, 12:37
Hi All,

Has anyone suffered with a headache that for more than 7 days and no amount of pain killers will help.

My headache started last Thurs and hasn't let up its in my forehead at the sides of my head and sometimes at the back of my head. I get weird tingling feelings in the back of my head and sometimes a warm sensation at the side.

I went to the doctors yesterday who looked into my ears throat and did some nurological tests and she said it was a stress headache but how i dont feel stressed or do I. I wanted her to send me for a ct scan or mri but she wont she just says its my anxiety.

Thats all I hear from doctors now (its my anxiety) but I dont believe it is I believe I have a serious illness there missing :( Im only 25 I dont have a family of my own just yet and i would like to get married but i feel that those days will never come and it makes me so unhappy.

To top it off today I have woken up with a really sore jaw and neck and i feel like death warmed up :(

I feel so miserable I dont even understand where this anxety came from

Sorry for my rant

10-02-12, 13:27

Ive have been suffering like this recently it is like a tension headache especially when its in your neck and jaw as well.

Its awful isn't and no matter how hard I try to relax it doesnt go away. Did the doc offer you any medication or CBT?

10-02-12, 16:51
Been offered CBT but its only monthly !!

I have some strong painkillers as well not helping

10-02-12, 17:42
Lisamarie, I had constant severe head aches for years, went to GP and even a&e because nothing would shift it, i was constantly told it was anxiety/hormones but not given treatment as nothing showed on a scan. My job, life and ability to be a normal mum suffered. it was frightening and exhausting. Anyway, eventually I went to my doctors and got a bit hysterical, he looked into my eye and sent me straight to the hospital. I honestly thought he had seen a brain tumour and was terrified. I had a scan and ended up on a ward where I waited 2 days to see a neurologist. the end result was that it was a tension headache, the pain is real and is caused by your muscles tensing, this restricts vascular blood flow hence the pain and eye problems etc... It is like having a constant trigger migraine. I was given amitryptaline to relax the muscles and it worked for me. Please go and speak to your GP,
stress that even if it is anxiety or tension it is still real and you need help, it is curable, good luck, it will get better for you xxxx:yesyes:

10-02-12, 18:11
I suffered from very bad tension headache just prior to menstruation, until someone told me about pain killers available at the chemist especially for tension headaches, go and ask at the chemist but do mention if you are on any
other medication.

12-02-12, 02:04
This so sounds like tension headaches. The worse they are, the worse they get because we get even more up tight. The best thing I find is to try to distract myself as much as possible. Pills don't work because we sit there waiting for them to kick in. When they don't, we get up tight and the headache gets worse. It sucks.

12-02-12, 02:06
Have you tried a chiropractor? Anytime that I have a headache that last a day or 2, I see one. Helps everytime!