View Full Version : Fed up

Silly Blonde
19-06-06, 09:02
Well I'm now Mrs SB - had a wonderful wedding day and really relaxing honeymoon.

Now I'm back at work I feel dreadful - really bad stomach ache, lower back ache and generally feel awful.

I am trying to come off my meds gradually as my psychiatrist didn't think they were doing anything. My GP has always thought that they add to my stomach problems. My psych has told me to wean myself off them and then if I'm not coping, to try some new meds. I'm currently on mirtazapine, can't remember the name of the new ones but it begins with "L".

I'm trying so hard NOT to make an appointment to see the GP, but I'm back thinking that I have stomach cancer, bowel cancer, cervical or ovarian cancer......and so on.

Do you think its just "coming down" after a really stressful time???

Mrs SB xx:(

19-06-06, 09:05
Congratulations on your marriage, glad it all went well. i think that you're right, i thinkit's all related to the 'come down' time. Weddings are stressful, you've had a major change and now everything is getting back to normal. try not to think about it and just enjoy your new married life. If you think your Gp can reassure you then go, especially if you think its related to meds. Congrats again

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-06-06, 10:31
A total come down, definatley.
All that stress and excitment and just general crazyness
during all the organising of a big event, you are just on a high.
Now it is all over, all the stress and anxiety will just ooooooze out.

You will be fine.

Ho****er bottle, some chocolate and a cuddle up on the sofa should do the trick!

Hay x