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View Full Version : New and scared is this a relapse?

10-02-12, 14:34
Hi everyone,

Have suffered with anxiety and depression a couple of years ago, i was on Citalopran and did a course of CBT, i finally felt better to come of the medication and have been fine until recently. Now i am feeling the anxiety again and the low mood, and feel like im going back to square one. Is this just a bump in the road as i can control the anxiety to some extent and know its not going to harm me but its the low mood i am scared of.
I dont want to go back on the meds.

10-02-12, 14:36
Hi Ros79

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-02-12, 21:42
Hi Ros, I also suffer from anxiety, specifically social anxiety, I have just started CBT and really hoping this will work, I have been off meds for nearly two years and really did not want to go back on them again but the anxiety got so bad I started on beta blockers which have helped slightly but not much. Really hoping the CBT will sort my head out once and for all. Its really positive to know that CBT worked for you so at least you know it will work again when you feel like you are suffering again. Take care x

11-02-12, 23:02
:welcome: ros to nmp hopefully you are just having a blip, you will get loads of support here :)

12-02-12, 07:09
Hi Ros,

Me too. I have been struggling for a few weeks, off and on, and thought I'd got over it after a "biggie" 18 months ago.
I had a few CBT sessions back then, but my trigger was a life event and I think we spent more time on that than on general anxiety etc. I'm going to up the Seroxat again, just until I get properly straight, and have started doing the "Live life to the full" course. I also intend to get back in touch with my CBT counsellor. I don't want to sound "me, me, me", I just hope that by sharing my experience you might get some ideas, or at least realise you're not alone. I'm optimistic that I can overcome this, if only because all the books, doctors, therapists and websites tell me I can. So don't despair. Low mood could maybe be alleviated by knowing that it's fixable, that you have a plan, a way forward. I've got a way to go, but I find it reassuring to repeat to myself things like "It goes", "It's just brain chemicals" or "It's not forever". People conquer this, don't they? I think I can, and really hope you can too. Don't despair. I know it's miserable, but lots of people sort it out.

13-02-12, 01:06
Ros it might be a relapse but you've done well to spot it and seek some help for it. If you're adverse to going back on medication there are many avenues to explore first. Exercise, diet, self help (revisit your CBT, meditation, yoga etc). It's winter too, are you getting enough sunlight and fresh air?

However I would caution that your mental health must always come first and that you should never let yourself slide far enough down that you then can't do much about it. So please, if you feel this is something you can't manage, see your GP. They will be sympathetic if you tell them you prefer not to medicate and may even refer you for counselling, CBT, group sessions or other alternatives.

13-02-12, 17:20
Hi ya
im a serial relapser unfortunatley but the fact you can get out of the dark place is a comfort that you wont feel this bad forever.
Ive had periods when the worry of relapsing is enough to cause it, i try to stay calm,rationalise and use self help like relaxation cds ,essential oils,trying to eat better and look after myself more.write positive things down ect.
Sometimes though sadly even for all my efforts it creeps back on me but not always .
try not to stress over whether it is a blip or if it is real, if its real then you will deal with it and come out the other side again as you did before.
try the self help things look after yourself get rest,eat well ect. and if its a blip positive attitude will usually see it off ,but stressing over whether it is a relapse will defo help it to happen! speaking from experience.
stay strong