View Full Version : Clicking jaw, could I have TMJD?

10-02-12, 15:38
About 6 months ago I had a day where my jaw wouldn't open fully and I had to move it in a certain way to be able to open it. Since then if I chew on the right side of my mouth it clicks really loudly. It's not painful and I didn't really think about it, it was just a bit annoying. Anyway, yesterday and today my jaw was a bit achey and tender and I was panicking that I was going to have a heart attack (my main anxiety) and I saw someone mention TMJD. Does it sound like I could have it?

10-02-12, 15:43
Sounds like TMJ to me, Best person to see is the dentist.

I get pain in my jaw alot from TMJ and nerve pain (always makes me think the worst BUT never happens).

10-02-12, 15:57
Hi there,
I had this happen when I was in high school. It usually happened at night or when I woke up. I wasn't able to fully open my mouth...wasn't really painful but weird.
Then one time, it opened and it clicked...now ever since then every single time I open my mouth, my left jaw clicks. That was 14 years ago! It doesn't hurt unless I'm at the dentist and my mouth has to stay open. I stay away from really big bubble gum too! haha
It does get sore every once in a while and like you I also have pretty bad heart anxiety but nothing ever happens.
You may be clenching, which is what I think I do at night causing the jaw pain.
Take Care!