View Full Version : what is this tiredness / palpitations & shakey feeling ??

10-02-12, 17:06
the past few days around 4/5pm i get extremely tired then iget palpitations / a feeling like my insides are shaking & some times a light headed feeling really making me worry about it :( and why am i getting it Anyone ever got anythin like this ??

10-02-12, 18:23
I used to get palpitations every night from 6 to 10 pm. I would get shakey about the same time too. I realized that I would eat lunch around noon, then as evening approached I would begin to fear the palpitations, and avoid eating cause i believed salty food caused it. Thats why I then got shakey.

Maybe try adding a snack in an hour before you usually feel like this, and try to drink a little extra water, see if that helps any.

10-02-12, 19:15

I always get tired sometime in the afternoon.

In fact, in Spain they have a official sleep time in the afternoon called Siesta.

My theory is I need a rest if not sleep in the afternoon. And if I have been drinking too much coffee or something is on my mind then because it is stopping my sleep I get weary etc.

Hope this helps, Vince

27-02-12, 21:11
i know the feeling! i seem to be getting it all the time at the moment. i just try to keep myself as calm as possible and do things which might keep my mind off it. thats all the advice i have, sorry :( but sometimes its nice knowing that someones going through the same thing (for me anyway!) xx