View Full Version : Cataracts

10-02-12, 17:38
Hi Im 43 and have recently been diagnosed with cataracts. Real bummer!
Which confirmed a lot of my eye issues.

Just wondering if anyone else on here has been diagnosed with them that I can talk to. I think I have accepted I have them but because I have excellent vision (slight reading prescription) they wont touch them (surgically) so I have got to just put up with them until my vision becomes significantly impaired

The questions I have are:-

Are Some days worse than others i.e blurred vision, light sensitivity

I feel like my eyes have constantly got grit/stuff in them and obviously floaters

Does using the computer make eyes worse (or is that eye strain)

Some days the vision seems to be completely Ok then I have other day that remind me.

Will optrex drops help (not with cataracts) but sore gritty eyes?

I appreciate that I could have some anxiety issues with this as well as Im focusing on my vision now all the time, and was extremely anxious prior to the diagnosis.

Would be grateful for any tips/advice answers

Thank you for reading

10-02-12, 18:03
Hello, I am also 43, was diagnosed with a cataract 2 years ago, I was a bit shocked as I thought I was a bit young, but it seems to be something anyone can get, the optician asked if I had ever had a fall or hit my head as trauma can cause it, I haven't, but did suffer from tension headaches and migraine for years and think that may have contributed to eye damage. I also have floaters which make snow and White rooms difficult! However now I know what they are I can almost ignore them. Definitely noticed that I get eye strain when I spend time on a computer, and finding night driving a bit hard. Also notice that I get flashes out if the corner of the bad eye. Not bad enough to need an op yet. Did you find out through a routine eye test? I had a kind of 'loss of power' in that eye but hadn't suspected a cataract. Suppose we are lucky that it's fixable and been picked up. Here if u want to chat xx:yahoo:

10-02-12, 18:44
hello i was forty when i started suffering with the most evil headaches,,ive had them all my life especially migraines,,but these were different,,i have a very high pain threshhold but these left me crying in pain,,it had gone on for weeks,,and on one occasion i was lying on bed pressing above my right eye which had helped in the past..i covered the eye completely when the pressure grew to much,,so when i looked up with my left eye image my shock when everything was covered in a white film,,i immediately though brain tumour as you do lol,, anyway i braved the opticians,,for an agoraphobic not easy lol,,but he was lovely calmed me right down ,,and when he had finished he said do you want the good news or the bad news,,i had the bad get it over with ,,he said you have cataracts,,i must have looked at him dumbfounded surely thats for old people lol,,good news you dont have a brain tumour ,,true thought i,,
as for how i was effected ,,badly because i think mine went unfound for a while,,within weeks i had very little sight in my left eye,,and just ok in the right which had two cataracts in only i could do that lol,,i was asked did i ever take steroids,,which i havnt,,the hospital couldnt get over it
light really hurt my eyes ,,especially sunny bright days,,it made my eyes run and sting,,sunglasses are a must
i found reading very hard
awful headaches and aches in the back of the eyes
yes computors and tv hurt after a while
i would use cucumber slices to help with the pain ,,also paracetmol,
eat more blueberrys very good for slowing down the cataracts,,to late for me at the time
i had both my operated on ,,they do the worse one first then your other after,,its not to bad as ops go,,and very little pain after just feels gritty ,,but your vision is amazing,,i see better than i ever did ,,its like someones washed your eyes its like seeing for the first time lol,,i annoyed hubby no end stopping to look at birds, trees, and sunsets rofl,,if you need to know anything else feel free to ask

10-02-12, 19:37
Oh Thank you both of you I feel so relieved. I noticed a real change in my vision in September after a long holiday Just really blurred and really struggled to see in the sun. After a while I thought it had improved so just put into down to anxiety, as I have been suffering with that a bit.

But at Christmas noticed halos around christmas lights, went to GP and was referred to a specialist. He found the cataracts and some swelling so had an MRI. The swelling turned out to be a Pineal Cyst. Which apparently should not be attributing to the blurred vision (having a field test, whatever that is to confirm that) but early cataracts.

I have to say Im struggling with it a bit. Somedays Im good. But I feel I have to keep rubbing my eyes to correct my vision, TV is blurred and like you Teez I can't read very well (and I love a good book). Its a real nuisance. I know its not life threatening, no big deal. But feel abit alone with it cause know one I know of my age has them so they don't understand. Plus I feel a bit of a nutter on the playground with my sunglasses on, needs must.:winks:

Do you have any tips?

Specialist said they wont op, do you know why?

10-02-12, 22:20
i know i had to wear them indoors too as some store lights hurt and blinded me,,so it looked like hubby had been battering me lol,,i also learned fast not to try talking to people with their backs to windows,,its like talking to shadows,,
yes i rubbed my eyes too to move the cataract about trying to see ,,worked for a little while ,,lol
when i couldnt read my books any more as like you i read for hours ,,i went to second hand shops and bought audio cassettes ,remember those lol,, i still love them,,if you have a kindle you make the lettering bigger which helps,,
at my worst hubby had to go everywhere with me as shopping became a nightmare ,,you cant see those signs,,and we ended up with some interesting food in the cupboards,,willow wasnt amused when his tin of ceaser was a tin of butter beans ,,it happens believe me,,lol,, towards the end he even had to wear a high vis jacket incase he wondered off,,only prob with this was id follow anyone round his build and wearing the jacket,,roads can be a prob too as can steps and judging distance i bumped into allsorts,,
they wont operate until they become thick enough or they are a problem to your safety as mine where,,you could see mine towards the end,,where i was agoraphobic i didnt seek help after my diagnosis it was only that i couldnt read and when i did go out i was stared at that i sought help,,
your not alone although it is very isolating at the time, as although your not blind seeing becomes something you are aware of and not taken for granted,,
i forgot you may want to leave a light on if you get up in the night as the sudden change from dark to light can blind you temp and then if you do the stairs this can be dangerous,,if ever you want to compare notes feel free :hugs:

11-02-12, 15:26
Hi Teez,

God you had a nightmare with them and they got worse quickly? I Completely understand about talking to shadows, that frightened me for a bit, thought I was going Blind. (over dramatic) lol

Did it set anxiety off with you? As I said I have accepted them and was glad I have an answer for the constant blur, but on bad days it gets me down :(. Maybe not so much now you have given me some answers.

Thank you for taking the time to answer to me. You have been a huge help. I deff feel a huge relief that the symptoms are related to cataracts, it was freaking me out a little.

11-02-12, 21:30
yeah it did set anxiety off in the begining ,,but over time i learned to live with it,,the only thing was if i got separated from hubby and then id be terrified ,,because i was lethal,,i had a job seeing traffic in sunlight,,and as i said id fall over ,,because pavements arnt level are they ,,steps i couldnt judge,,even something as simple as loo signs,,ohhh and tablets,,watch this as i had three pills all in simular packets,,what i did was marked the packets,,
i did get depressed some days others just purely frustrated ,,because doing something as simple as making a hotdrink could be dangerous ,,the times i got burnt while cooking was untrue,,ohhh just thought watch out for your shampoo and conditioner,,id mix them up all the time,,id take the label off one or the other,, but yes its not just the fact you cant see,,its the soreness in the eyes themselves and headaches,,i had no-one to ask when it happened to me and thought i had much more going on than there was,,so dont panic its all normal,,im happy to chat about it though so dont worry,,and if you need to chat after or before your op just pm me,,as i know hubbys aunt took comfort in talking as she also suffers with nerves and just having someone to ask is this the norm helps ,,take care x

13-02-12, 09:23
Cheers Teez, Thanks for all your tips, help and advice. Hope all stays well with you take care. xx