View Full Version : If there was anything seriously wrong would Drs and A and E pick it up?

10-02-12, 18:58
I had a hot flush yesterday followed by a migrane. I went to A and E and was seen by a nurse and Dr, who did blood tests and what the Dr called 'neurological obs'. They diagnosed me with aura and then a migraine. Previously I have been to the Drs with head pressure, twitching and pins and needles. I have seen 3 different Drs over 5 visits and they have all checked me over including 3 back of eye exams and they have all said anxiety. I am on Day 4 of citalopram.

If there was a brain tumour would they be able to tell?

10-02-12, 19:09

You wrote, JM : -

"If there was a brain tumour would they be able to tell?"

100% Yes.

I do know a person who had one once who, incidentally, fully recovered. And so yes, they would have picked it up at once.


10-02-12, 19:13

The doctors would be able to pick up on your symptoms and be concerned if you had a tumour, if they havent- that means you dont have one :)

plus, a symptom of anxiety is thinking that you have a brain tumour xx

10-02-12, 19:13
The answer is YES