View Full Version : Saw Neuroalogist today and scared

11-02-12, 02:14
Well I saw the Neuroalogist today and am scared. I passed the basic Neurological exam. I told him about my CJD worries and he said I probably don't have that but he wanted to do a EEG because of the twitching and he said the test could show signs of CJD! Now I'm freking out maybe he thinks there's a chance I have it? On top of that he tells me that they had 2 cases of CJD in October the first in the Hospitals history!!! That didint help! But what's really freaking me out now is I was trying to remember things he said to me and I realized I don't remember what his face looks like. I'm usually good at remembering faces but I can't remember his. I just talked to him a couple hours ago! I'm freaking out that I'm starting to get Dementia one of the symptoms of CJD. Help

11-02-12, 03:57
You told him your fears and he said he'd run a pretty basic test to rule it out do you'd feel more reassured .
The problem lyes in how youre interpreting the situation .
You only saw the guy once and I'm assuming you were anxious too so it's normal not to be able to recall all the details .
I don't know you diagnoised yourself but stop googling , your going to ignore all the info that says you don't have this n cling on to any info that says you do .

11-02-12, 07:44
I totally agree with what mishel says.
Iv seen a neuro recently and I was really upset arterwards too. I think doctors are really reluctant to commit to anthing without doing tests. I have massive MS fears and I too passed the basic neuro exam, but my neuro also wants me also to have an mri. I totally freaked and didnt understand why I was being sent for an mri and thought that maybe the neuro had seen signs of the disease and wasnt telling me! I phoned my gp and he said this is standard procedure and that it is a very brave neuro that dosent send any paitent for extra tests-they do it to everyone

11-02-12, 12:01
can you please tell me what are the basic neuro tests??

11-02-12, 18:04
can you please tell me what are the basic neuro tests??

It's checking your reflexes , Finger to nose, Shoulders up tongue out, Asking you what the date is and what floor your on and who the President is. Also looking at your eyes and mouth. That's the basic Exam

Rachel W
11-02-12, 20:55
He is definitely sending you for a test to rule things out because in this day and age if they don't then it can bite them in the butt later if they miss something and they get sued. In addition anxiety can disrupt memory. I am having major issues right now but it all started after I met a family friend with Alzheimer's and it is one of my major fears (I am only 41) and so since then I noticed more and more issues. I think it would be very unlikely that I actually had it, after just happening to meet someone with it and also with my age with no family history but yet I still worry. My concentration is shot from all of the worry.

In terms of the twitching. They always give you an EMG just in case, but in almost every case it is caused by, guess what? ANXIETY!!! I had major twitches and what I felt was hand weakness and ended up going to a specialist. When they give you the clinical exam they can pretty much spot if you have anything. They usually say something like "I am 99% sure that you don't have it but". The "but" is just because no one can ever be 100% sure so the EMG shows stuff before it is actually symptomatic. My worry was ALS which will always show up on an EMG and so he had me go in that week because he knew how scared I was. He did it himself too. He told me that he was very pleased to inform me that I was fine, absolutely normal. It will be a huge weight off your chest when your test comes back fine.