View Full Version : Going to bed...

11-02-12, 03:10
Does anyone get a rushing feeling when they lay down in bed? I also feel hot. If I get up, the symptoms subside. I get these feelings in my chest and neck and it radiates out from there. I am in the throes of lymph anxiety at the moment and am concerned that it may be a lymphoma issue. The only mitigating circumstance is that I recently had an X-ray and blood test and they both came back clear. The blood test was to see if my kidneys would be OK to take diuretic blood pressure tablets but they ran thyroid and other tests. I assume that if I was suffering from a lymphoma based problem that the bloods would show signs of problems?
My other thought is that I am afraid of bed and it is just anxiety! Any thoughts?

11-02-12, 11:29
I get burning hot flashes when i go to bed too, and only happens at bedtime... i definately think its anxiety....
Dont have a fear of bed either! you need sleep to recover !

11-02-12, 11:42
i get that too as i start to fall asleep, get really hot then start sweating from my chest and around my neck! it doesnt mean youve got lymphoma, its just your body getting ready to sleep.