View Full Version : Legs are driving me crazy

rock chick
11-02-12, 03:50
I didn't want to even mention it because I felt if I pretended it wasn't an issue it would eventually go away but for the past few days since I started worrying about them they've been driving me crazy! Mostly the one leg now but it happens in both, I get sort of twitching, sometimes pain and just feelings of discomfort, crossing my legs used to not be a big deal but now it often causes discomfort. Checked, no swelling or redness (except for my lower legs and feet, I've had that for months, apparently fluid retention, although the redness in that area is back) but I just feel I want them to get back to normal! It's hard to not worry about them when the feeling they're not right is almost always there and has anyone else has this problem? As if your mind started something that got worse or I dunno. I'm tempted to see a GP but I am worried they'll feel I'm overreacting and I've just been so depressed with being sick almost all the time with one thing or another. A bit of a rant but it just feels like one thing after another and I almost feel like I'm going nuts even though I know I'm not.

11-02-12, 04:52
I guess I am unsure as to what you are describing. Is it like a pain? Or just feeling muscle tightness?

I don't know if this is the same, but I get discomfort in my thighs, hips, and knees. I am only 23 years old, and I thought - well geeze, I shouldn't have hip pain yet. It is not really a "pain" per say, but more like feeling as though I need to stretch out, and yet stretching does not really help too often unless I do it all day. I was worried about it, but then I thought about any lifestyle changes I have had and I have recently changed work sites to one where I am sitting all day, driving long hours, and then I go to classes every night and sit for another 4 hours. So all that sitting is putting a strain on my hips, back, legs, etc. Now I feel uncomfortable if I sit for like 30 minutes unless I get up and stretch out.

I don't know if that is any where near what you are experiencing, but I do understand feeling weird going to the doctors, as I did not go for that. I was worried about it, but it was not like a severe pain and I was afraid the doc would think I was nuts.

Since I have been incorporating regular stretching, walking, etc it has gotten a little better.

rock chick
08-03-12, 06:01
Just wanted to throw an update to this.
The issues seems to have psycosomatic, when I stopped freaking out about my legs as much I noticed the symtoms improved a lot. Since I still worry about them to a certain extent I still have aches and such here and there that seem kinda weird but I suspect that's to be expected since I haven't totally stopped worrying about them in general. I notice I tend to get psychosomatic issues when I worry about certain parts of my body a lot so I try to let go of such stress quite a bit.