View Full Version : swallowing tablets

19-06-06, 11:13
Does everyone else find it hard to swallow tablets, i can swallow small tablets but when it comes to paracetamol and tablets alike they seem to get stuck in my throat!!!

I havnt had a panic attack for nearly 3 months now, still get anxious and all the feelings that go with it though, am i in the right bit or should i now be posting in the general anxiety bit?

i feel like pooh @ the mo as my son has had a really bad barking cough and i think he has given it to me, but when i cough i get a really bad pain in my chest, Doc says my chest is clear, i'm woundering if it is all to do with anxiety? (not the cough just the pain)


Thanks for everybody support


19-06-06, 14:10
Hi there, good to hear that you appear to have things a little under control. My hubby can't swallow tablets, he puts the pill in his mouth, swigs the water and turns his head to the side? Sounds stupid, but it appears to work for him. As for feeling rough at the moment, it is hard work looking after a sick child and now you have caught it! I believe the pains you are feeling when coughing are probably muscular? If you have been checked and given the all clear, i would try (if only) to pamper yourself, take things easy, your body will fight off the infection and you will be raring to go take care.x

19-06-06, 14:43
Watching me trying to swallow any tablets bigger than the pill could be made into a long running drama series that could run and run.[:I][}:)]:)

To save all this I ask for liquid form where poss or dissolvable - you are so not on your own with this.

If the doctor has listened to your chest and its clear then try not to worry and let the pain/cough go of its own accord.

Hope your son soon feels better too.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-06-06, 16:00
Hello Liz
I can't swallow tablets either - I have to chew up some food and then swallow the tablet with the food!
Love Helen

21-06-06, 11:03
I usually drop them into the centre of a spoonful of yoghurt - more slippery that way and it even works for me with giant ones like cod liver oil [:P]

21-06-06, 12:00
I used to not be able to swallow tablets either, even paracetamol, so I cut them up into quarters which helped (it took 4 times as long to take them, but it helped!)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

21-06-06, 15:08

I don't usually have any problems taking tablets, but I do have times where it doesnt go down the first time and then because I'm thinking about it my throat closes up and I can't take them! I end up spitting them out (very gross).

Molly, you are right those fish oils ones are massive, it's like swallowing a golf ball.

I guess the thing to remember is that you swallow bigger pieces of food all the time. Sorry i can't be of more help, just wanted to let you know your not alone. xx

"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

ben johnson
09-06-14, 09:59
hello liz

if u find it hard to take tablets then can ether crush them up or cut them up into small bits to make it easier. if u smoke then it could be cus of that but if u dont then i dont know what it could be sorry xx

from ben xx

16-06-14, 21:23
Sometimes I have trouble swallowing pills as well. It's funny, because I used to be able to dry-swallow pills all the time (it was sometimes necessary when I needed a migraine pill immediately and didn't have access to water) but now I couldn't even begin to do it.

You've got some great suggestions here, but I thought I'd add: what helps me is to take the pill with a thicker liquid, like milk or orange juice, as opposed to water or tea. Be sure to have plenty of liquid in your mouth, pop the pill in, and swallow all at once. It makes it so that I can't really feel the pill going down at all.