View Full Version : Looking for advice re effects of Citalopram

11-02-12, 09:36
Hi guys,
I am on the verge of completing 2 weeks of my course of citalopram. prescribed for all of the 3 main things, anxiety, OCD, and depression and have been wondering whether some of the effects I have been having are linked to the drug. I have been noticing more and intrusive thoughts occuring and they are really affecting my mood. I have also now and again felt ambivalent towards a lot of things in my life. This includes a new relationship that I have started in the last few weeks. For the first 2 weeks things were going really well then all of a sudden in my own head, nearly all enthusiasm for the relationship that I had has evaporated. I really don't know why because she is a great girl and we had a great time yet now my intrusive thoughts are making things worse in my own head and perhaps that is the cause I don't know. Could citalopram have an effect on causing ambivalence towards a relationship?

11-02-12, 12:19
Hi andrew, when you first start taking cit, you can suffer all sorts of side effects, but they will settle. 2 weeks is still very early days, as it can take 4-6 weeks to feel any positive effects.

having said that, if you are not happy speak to your gp,i know it is not an easy ride when starting, but usually things start to improve at around 2 weeks re side effects, so hopefully you will feel better soon......i hope so xx

12-02-12, 16:43
Hi Andrew, I think it's called emotional detachment (or something like that :doh:) it's a side effect of citalopram starting to work on your body. I know exactly what you mean, it's as if you start to feel a complete lack of emotion to those dearest to you. I had it myself starting the cit, it disappeared after a while. Hope this helps.