View Full Version : Please help me as soon as possible

11-02-12, 12:00
can sumone tell me i havent got m.s,im on propranolol 2 three times aday and 5mg ramipril,my arm was bit heavy(left) last week and tingly,dr said nerve damage in neck,i havent got no pain,day after was same so being anxious i went to a&e who sed same as dr,since starting on propanolol on monday i now am in a state as i got tingling in both feet,is this from anxiety,i want to go to drs to ask for scan or whatever he can do so i can be rest assured i aint got m.s,i keep having panic attacks with ALL THE SYMPTOMS,is constant tingling normal in feet,cud i go somewhere where someone could tell me immediately i havent got it PLEASEREPLY AND MAKE ME BETTER AND RELAX

11-02-12, 12:01
Hi 10Asda

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-02-12, 12:04
THANKYOU,ive posted something similar this morning but nobody has replied:weep:

11-02-12, 12:16
Hi..welcome. It looks like you've got yourself into a bit of a state here. There are lots of associated symptoms with anx/panic that resemble other illnesses, I've been there..had all the tests thyorid, ME, etc. Convinced myself there was something terribly wrong with me, but no. It was all related to anxiety and panic. Also the meds can give side effects that worry you. Don't panic :wacko: go back and have a chat with your GP to help put your mind at rest. You will find lots of useful info and helpful people on here. It's been a godsend for me.

Take care x

11-02-12, 12:43
thanx kat,i am in such a state,i just want reassurance im not dying or got m.s then i know 100% i will be better xx

11-02-12, 13:12
thanx kat,i am in such a state,i just want reassurance im not dying or got m.s then i know 100% i will be better xx

Trust me, I thought I was dying so many times in the early days...ambulances, taken to hospital, thought I was having heart attacks etc,etc. I know I can't reassure you, but it is normal to have pins & needles, numbness, aches, pains, feeling sooo tired. I think your mind goes into overdrive and your body manifests itself accordingly if you get what I mean. Once you can accept it's all just 'normal' for us, you will eventually learn to deal with it. BTW, the meds you are taking are BB's right? they are for the palpitations....maybe you need something else to help calm you down, thats why I suggest you see your GP on Monday. BB's don't take the anxiety away, just supposed to help with the pounding heart. Sometimes just talking about it helps. And stop googling!! That's the worst thing ever :doh:read the articles on here about anx/panic/phobias etc. Keep busy, watch a good film, listen to some music or go for a walk to try and distract you thoughts. :)

11-02-12, 13:47
kittikat,u ave made me feel abit less anxious,i know it all sounds pathetic,but when u cant stop thinking of anything else but dying its hard to get rid of the constant thoughts,thankyou my sweet xx

11-02-12, 13:57
it's not pathetic, only those who have been there will understand. The mind can play awful tricks on you. You're not alone :scared15:

Take care, let me know how things go for you x :hugs:

11-02-12, 21:33
Hi 10Asda, It sounds like maybe the beta blockers are having side affects with you which can be tingling in the limbs along with other side affects, google or read the leaflet and this will make sense, the worrying about it will cause you to panic even more, just relax, its is really quite normal. You may be on too higher a dose also so you may want to think about taking a lesser dose which could stop the tingling. Try not to worry about this you are not dying and it is really quite normal, as is panic and anxiety as you will see from the amount of people on here that suffer with the same issues. Take care and remember you are safe x

13-02-12, 01:42
You have exactly what i have! I woke up today with numb lips and got myself all flustered even though it vanished within seconds!! How long have u had anxiety for? X