View Full Version : blew my nose and got blood

11-02-12, 13:26
hi everyone havnt posted for a while as i thought things were improving,but have been jittery for weeks now and this morning i blew my nose and found blood in the mucus.If it wasnt this it would be something else but one thing at a time.love from pete

11-02-12, 14:01
that can be caused by a burst blood vessel in your nose caused by the actual action of blowing your nose! a friend of mine used to get chronic nose bleeds for no reason and there was never anything wrong with her! shes perfectly healthy!

11-02-12, 14:06
It's normal , as long as your nose isn't gushing blood , there's nothing to worry about .
The pressure from blowing your nose often can cause it to bleed just a little.

11-02-12, 14:09
thanks james the cat-my mind has been eased somewhat but i get terrible HA and wont be totally at aese till i can blow my nose and see something

11-02-12, 14:37
I had this today as well - no idea what it is but I am not worried about it

11-02-12, 15:22
Haven't been picking your nose have you Pete, cos that can cause it !? :winks:

11-02-12, 15:24
As a child I would suffer with nose bleeds on a constant basis.
And once when we were driving home from lego land i was about 7 we got lost and I got really upset and stressed for some reason and then I had a nose bleed!
My dad also occasionly has nose bleeds in his sleep all his life my Nan (his mum) said and his 56 and still here :)

What you have descried sounds normal.

11-02-12, 17:20

Happens all the time - the inside of the nose is very delicate and it doesn't take much to have a little bleed. Even a tiny bit of blood looks quite a lot when you blow your nose and see it in the tissue. If it happens a lot, you could mention it to your GP but it's nothing to worry about occassionally.

Take care


11-02-12, 17:59
I get that at least 3 times a week. Dont worry x

Rachel W
11-02-12, 20:58
it happens more in the winter too because the air gets dry which irritates the delicate mucous membranes.