View Full Version : Is it pneumonia or is it just anxiety?

11-02-12, 14:06
Last week I got a really bad cold. I only get one about once every year or so. I hate them because they block up my nose, which is especially difficult when I think about my breathing almost 24/7.
It seems to have cleared now, but my nose is still a bit bunged up. I've read on the internet that you can develop pneumonia after a cold. And I've been outside, sitting in the snow (silly I know) recently.
I don't know what to blame it on: pneumonia or just anxiety getting the better of me (again)?
I'm really quite scared :(
Thanks if you reply

11-02-12, 14:10
No I dont think you have pneumonia, youve had a bad cold, you could have an infection in your sinuses, I had a very bad cold, that turned into a chest infection just after the new year and it took three weeks to clear up, Im sure you will imrpove soon, just drink plenty of fresh orange as vit C it good for colds.

miss sparkle
11-02-12, 14:27
my mum had phenumonia a few years back(she is fine now!) and i think you w ould know if you had it. she literally couldn't get out of bed for weeks, and her whole body ached
top to toe.
I don't think you have it, but rest, fluids and try to relax-easier said than done i know xxx

11-02-12, 17:07

Although I'm certainly no expert, I have to agree with the other 2 replies. If you had pneumonia, you would be extremely ill and I don't think you'd need to ask. Keep warm, plenty of liquids and don't do anything too strenuous and you should be feeling better soon.

Take care

Pip x

11-02-12, 17:18
I agree with everything that's been said. You would really know about it if you had pneumonia - you would feel terrible and you would have a fever and a very bad cough. Stay away from Dr Google!

11-02-12, 17:24
My Dad had pneumonia last year and was very ill indeed; if you had it, as others have said, you would not be on here typing and even questioning it, you would KNOW.

12-02-12, 14:03
Thankyou for all the replies! :) I am ashamed that I've been looking on google, but the symptoms for cold, flu and pneumonia are made out to be really similar.
I always always think I have an underlying respiratory disease and it's driving me crazy! :(

12-02-12, 14:59
I know what you mean - I always think about my breathing and my lungs too - my latest obsession is asthma. There is no reason why I would have this but I still convince myself that I do. It is driving me mad!