View Full Version : bad anxiety about my head now just bvanged it and paickin pleas reply!

sherylee xx
11-02-12, 14:28
so most of my anxiety is about my head and i jus banged it quite hard on the door handle and i feel so weak and shaky and feels like i cant use my left arm as well i banged my head on the left side too and my left cheek is tingly and feelin strange im so scared the bang has caused damage :( gunna ring the doctors as i know it can take up tp 2 days for any damage to come out :( why di i have to bang my head i was feelin ok today :( xx

11-02-12, 14:34
Hey , I think because you only banged a small area you haven't caused any serious damage .
Calming down would be good to see if the syptoms go away.
Call your doctor or nurse line if you need to .

I've hit my head lots of times on the corner of the press door.
Last time I freaked out cause I gave myself a huge bump!

11-02-12, 14:37
Hi, didn't want to read and run! I can totally sympathise with how you are feeling. Up until recently my HA was always mostly to do with myHead. I banged my head a few times too, one on the bannister and another on a cupboard door and my anxiety went through te roof.
Obviously I'm not a dr but you do have to have some considerable force for there to be even the slightest damage. Am certai that a hit to the head albeit painful wouldn't cause any underlying problem.

Have you taken any painkillers? It may well hurt for a couple of days but I would say you will be fine

sherylee xx
11-02-12, 14:43
aw thankyou both so much for replyin i really appreciate it since m y ha started 8 months ago all my anxiety has been about brain tumors or anythin like that to do with my head so now bangin it iv convinced myself iv caused damage im tryin to just relax and calm down and see if my symptoms go and whilst one part of me is sayin what you both said the other is sayin ooooooh shit! lol doesnt help that when i stand i feel weak and dizzyish and i got 2 kids to look after too, il give it a lil time then ring my doctors if cant calm down thankyou both again :) xx

11-02-12, 14:48
I was exactly the same with brain tumours, and now I just think well my 3 year old is always banging his head and he is totally fine soFor me to bang my head I'm sure it will be fine, hard to take abuse though when your in a panic, infact I wish I could my own advise!

Have you put a cold compress on it?

sherylee xx
11-02-12, 15:04
no i havent hun but since bangin my head my back is really achin ?? gunna take some pain killers and try chill but its hard, i thought the same about my kids bangin there heads and bein ok but you hear so many stories people only havin slight bangs and then dyin :( oh god i wish i didnt bloomin bang my head :( xx

11-02-12, 15:08
I know it's so hard not to think the worst, I 100% know how your feeling : ( I am today convincing myself that I have a blood clot in my chest!

Its so hard not to worry isn't it, I know it will be sore but hopefully the painkillers will kick in for you,

sherylee xx
11-02-12, 15:13
horrible isnt it :( i keep havin lil set backs with my chest recently last time was last night and i was thinkin all sorts it satred with my chest feelin heavy then loads of long ectopic beats and i had a warm bath and it eventually went thank god but i know im not gunna be able to do the same with this as its my main worry :( x

11-02-12, 15:29
This was my fear for litreally months.
This is how my HA started.
I had concussion as i got hit.
Take a read at this thread here:
it should help you.

To damage your brain you would have to done a lot more damage to it. it takes some force. our skulls have evolved to withstand a lot before it damages you.
And if you wernt knocked out you are ok.

sherylee xx
11-02-12, 18:38
thankyou em.ma i had a read and im also gettin some of what you described, eyes feel funny weird sensations on my head ect still worried but tryin to over come it xx