View Full Version : Chest/shoulder pain

11-02-12, 17:40
Hi, for the past few days (maybe even a week) I have had an achey/painful shoulder that radiates down the right of my chest and sternum. Haven't been to drs becuase am trying to not let this anxiety win but am also a bit worried Incase it's a blood clot or something. I have a few times this wel carried my 3 year old around becuase of the snow and always carry him on my right side, could it be down to this?

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------


11-02-12, 17:41
Could Be, I have strained muscles in my chest area, That have taken months to improve, The problem is a viscous circle because you are tense you are tensing those muscles. Im sure it is fine and it does get better in time.

11-02-12, 18:11
Sometimes I that pain with trapped wind, but also when I'm really anxious I get the shoulder and arm aches especially my armpits, I've been carrying my 3 year old around to and have aches and pains :) x

11-02-12, 18:24
It's awful isn't it, I just hate feeling so scared and helpless, my husband always ends up getting annoyed with me which just upsets me further.I have totally convinced myself I have a blood clot in my chest, but as I've had This pain for near on a week would that still be possible

I thought I was getting better but it seems my HA just thinks of something else to make me freak out about

11-02-12, 18:29
yes, if i hurt a muscle and continue to use it, it will hurt for awhile. Take some advil/ibuprofin, ice it, and rest it.

11-02-12, 18:34
My husband is the same, I always ask him for reassurance and he takes the mickey and says yeah probably a tumour or something, in my 9 years of anxiety I have had so many symptoms and to be honest the arm aches and leg aches are the most common, does it go if you take any painkillers ??x

11-02-12, 18:43
Yeah it goes after painkillers and had a bath earlier which eased it, I know deep down its not a blood clot as I have no other symptom of it at all. But try telling myself that lolMy Husband always says oh it can't possibly be that, there's not reason for it etc etc, very annoying

Have tried taking kalms today to see if that helps with this rising anxiety

11-02-12, 18:51
I always think if it goes with painkillers can't be that bad x I hope u get over this soon, then if you are anything like me it'll be something else x xz