View Full Version : panis

11-02-12, 19:42
just had a hot flush, just in my face and pounding heart, really scared me, thought i was going to drop dead of a heart attack, have a son 21 months, cant leave him he needs me,
i know it sounds silly but been stressed since thursday evening, couldnt find my moble phone, turned my house upside looking for it, take every where with me, even a short walk to the shop, if i feel really panicy i can fone sum one, cant do without it, but found it tonite under cushion on highchair, yeah, when you have young children and have health anxiety, not good, fear of leavin them, scares the hell out of me


angie xxxxx

12-02-12, 01:52

Doesn't sound silly to me at all - the triggers of anxiety are different for everyone. You know yourself that what you are describing is anxiety and it's important to try your best to relax (easier said than done, I know).

Read through some posts on here and you'll see that you're not alone. The symptoms you are describing are very common and we really understand. I still find it hard to believe that the mind can cause such real physical symptoms.

I have sometimes felt like I was about to die due to the heightened symptoms. The last time this happened, i was convinced that my time was up and i decided i didn't want my final thoughts to be of panic so I forced myself to think of some happier times. Ironically, this relaxed me and i started to feel better an hour or so later. Your symptoms will pass and you'll still be there for your son.

Take care and let us know how you're getting on.

Pip x

12-02-12, 01:54
Good on you Angie:)

All you ladies should have a medal for bringing up children.

Best wishes, Vince:)

12-02-12, 15:34
hi i have 3 kids and i know what u mean. i suffer terrible from chest pain dizzy feeling sick shakes passing out. just feel like im dying every day and the doc just says it anxiety or panick but i have had abnormal bloods and ecg in past so im scared they missing thngs. idont want to leave my kids and im getting married in june i hope im ok and im not dying. feel so sad and angry every day cause the way i feel.

12-02-12, 19:29
thanks pipkin, lisad1977 and swanlinnet,
have been getting cbt since last september, helps abit, i wake in the morning and say I WILL HAVE A GOOD DAY but some thing always triggers my HA of, chest pain headaches hot flushes etc etc.
health anxiety has ruined first 21 months of my sons life.
its funny really before i fell pregnant with my son i really wonted to end my life so many times, overdosed a few times, drank to much, i was in hospital again, overdose, a month before i fell pregnant with my son, my anxiety and depression was so bad. divorce, my lovely step mum died suddenly, my dad eight months later, heart attack.
now am scared am going to die any day, hardly drink now, feel better for not drinking as much, my anxiety was sky high for a few days afterwards.
got apt with gp on 28th, just for some reasurrance, been nearly a year since last saw my gp, had blood taken then, came back ok then.
lisad1977 i feel sad and angry because the way i feel too, feel i need a good cry today, but we need to accept the symtoms we are havein are caused by our anxiety, hard i know, its been 10 years for me,
keep in touch, stay positive

lots of hugs

angie xxxxx