View Full Version : Moving away

12-02-12, 04:25
Hi just hoping for some advice or similar stories.
I have the opportunity to move to Prague from England. I'm miserable here and had the same chance last year but didn't take it.
I really want to go but I get really bad panic attacks and a slight problem with agoraphobia from time to time. I'm really scared but want to go for it but have a complete mental barrier to take the plunge.
I have a job lined up and two friends there but feel the safety I feel at home here might prevent it.
I don't know what to do as I don't want to rot here and watch life go by because of stupid feelings.
I get Atrial Fibrillation from time to time for which I take Flecainide which seems to control it but worry I might get an attack out there and not sure if I can take my medication with me or not??
So many questions sorry.. just wonder if anyone has had a similar problem??
Maybe I won't be so anxious being somewhere I feel happy? Aaaaagggh my head is going everywhere!!
What to do. I moved around a lot a few years ago without a thought

12-02-12, 11:30

Ultimately it's up to you whether you want to go or not. It is normal to have doubts and worries, especially us anxiety sufferers! We always think the worst will happen or want a back up plan if it does. That move does sound like a once in a lifetime experience, would it be a temporary or permanent move? I would advise that you go with your gut instincts, you know yourself more than anyone, if you think you can do it then there's nothing stopping you. Everyone will feel anxious with a big move like that but remember that you are only a plane ride away from home.


22-02-12, 22:37
Yeah just a Plane ride away : )
It should just be for 6 months then hopefully start Uni. Just waiting to hear..
Thanks for replying x