View Full Version : Sore cyst spot

12-02-12, 07:38
Ive a sore cyst type spot in the crease behind my ear. Then below ear, towards throat I've some small but painful glands up.

My husband says its normal and not to be worrying. I worry though becausa cysts should be painless shouldn't they?so I'm worrying why it's sore and I've little glands up.

I get similar cystic type acne on my face from time to time, they really hurt and swell my glands up my husband says its no different and to relax but I'm having a little fret over it.

I think it's because I've found out my neutrophils and white cell count were low, recently. I now worry if that means I can't fight infection as well as before.

Any words to put my mind at rest?:/

12-02-12, 18:34
Anyone? I keep worrying I'll get septicemia from it:( Stupid anxiety recently:/

12-02-12, 18:43
Take on board your husband's words Sav' ..Really sounds innoucuous but I do know how worry is so troubling.

12-02-12, 19:17
Thank you xx