View Full Version : Is it all in my mouth???

12-02-12, 09:20
So, around a month ago, i spat fresh blood in the shower... i didnt cough it up, it was in my saliva when i spat. I had no other symptoms at the time, i.e fever, bad cough, fatuige, etc etc... other than the blood, im perfectly fine.
Anyway, on the day, i was told to go to the nearest A&E department. They done various tests, ESG, D-dimer(check for clots) other blood tests, chest X-ray. ALL came back fine, and i was sent on my way with nothing to worry about, and advised to contact my dentist.
Dentist told my i had Gingtivits, and was perscribed a tooth paste and mouth wash.. i have used this, and my gums dont seem to be bleeding anymore after brushing.
HOWEVER, first thing in the morning, EVERY morning, i keep spitting brown saliva, sometimes with a hint of red. takes 5-6 "spits" before it returns back to normal. Maybe i shouldnt be worrying, but i dont see why this is happening, and it makes me think it isnt my gums etc. i went to my doctor, who pretty much said "its in your mouth. if it was anything more serious, you'd have more accompanying symptoms. go back to your dentist"
just to add. i quit smoking just over a month ago....
opinions please!

13-02-12, 00:53
It doesn't sound like it could be anything serious bearing in mind the history of checks/gingivitis in your post. It could be a recurrence of this so why not have it checked out by your dentist if this is worrying you again? It only takes a little blood to colour your saliva. Also do you brush your teeth last thing at night? If so, maybe some blood from that (which by morning might have gone dull red/brown) or just a natural build up of yuk overnight. What is your tongue like - if it is white/brown or furry (all of which is normal) then it's probably just the normal build up of "stuff" here which you are spitting out. And yes, maybe your body is getting rid of the crap from smoking.

13-02-12, 04:10
Start flossing and maybe buy a waterpick .
It will really help your gums.

13-02-12, 09:28
You said you gave up smoking a month ago? I gave up smoking 8 months ago and occasionally still spit up brown. Your lungs take a while to clear, but they will. Like you It was every morning, but its normal. As for the blood must be you gums etc.

Try not to worry too much hun.