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View Full Version : Hi im new and need advice and help!!

12-02-12, 09:51
Hey guys,

My name is Sam and it looks like i have been suffering with Anxiety now for just over 2 and a half years. Started with chest pains for a few months where i was going to hospital thinking something was wrong with my heart but after lots of blood tests and an ecg nothing was wrong. Then i was getting head pressure and a funny feeling in my head, then flutters in my chest. The list is endless. Now im getting where i need to eat something or i feel im going to collapse or faint, its really scary, has anyone else had this. I went to see my doctor who has taken blood tests i will get them back next week but its obviously anxiety. Looking on this site for he first time actually made me cry all the symptoms that i could not explain where listed on here and the one on Obsessive thoughts which was me too a T, thinking and obsessing something is wrong with me, over anaylsying etc etc etc.

I want all this to go away. Its like im fine then all of a sudden without thinking i feel sick or some symptom happens, i panic and then the panic attack starts.

Can anyone relate to me or advise.


12-02-12, 09:53
Hi sammie82

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-02-12, 11:48
Hi Sammie,

I think you have taken a really positive first step, realisation that anxiety is causing your symptoms. It is critical to come to this point, and some people never do (or take a really really long time). The fact that you recognise the symptoms on this forum, and are so positive that 'anxiety is your problem' can be the start of your recovery.

Have you done any reading on anxiety apart from this forum ?

The key, to my mind, is to firstly take the fear out of the panic/panic attacks. There are lots of posts on here about how to deal with panic attacks if you do a search. Secondly, regarding the Health Anxiety you are suffering from, it is about reconditioning your responses to every ache/pain/odd feeling/slight illness, so that you are eventually able to be rational and reassure yourself, rather than assume the worst outcome from every little feeling you get. This 'learning to rationalise' is hard work, and takes practice, but it is worth getting to grips with. Yet again, do some searches on here for some threads about this type of thing.

Take Care

12-02-12, 12:19
Hi and welcome Sam,

Very good advice from Carys - there are things there that we all deal with every day and, no matter how long we've suffered, we still have our ups and downs.

Certainly don't feel like you're alone. I think by looking at other posts on here that you can see that the symptoms you're describing are common amongst anxiety sufferers. The hard part, as Carys has said, is recognising them for what they are and not something more serious. I know how hard this is and I still struggle with it. The symptoms are so real, you can't believe your mind could cause them but it can and does.

Don't be frightened to talk to your GP - I never like doing this but, no matter what he or she is like, they will have seen this many times before and will understand. People talk a lot on here about medication. This can help but isn't a solution. It can help to give you some time to come to terms with your condition and deal with it better. Different forms of therapy can also help with this. Some things to talk to your GP about. Ultimately though, it's down to our determination.

If I may give you a couple of quick pointers: try to eat, no matter how little you feel like it and make sure you stay active. I know the temptation to curl up in bed is huge, but it will only make you feel worse in the long run. Force yourself to go for a half-hour walk or just do something around the house. Sounds simple, I know it isn't but it works.

Take care and keep in touch.

Pip x

12-02-12, 14:12
:welcome: sammie....really hope you feel better soon, and you will get loads of advice and help on this site xx

12-02-12, 19:33
Hi Guys,

Thank you so much for your support and advice. I have taken all on board and will definitely start taking the steps forward to beating this Anxiety, i will not let it win.

:) xx

13-02-12, 17:40
Hi ya
your not alone my thing is Health anxiety too ,although generally im an anxiuos person anyway.
talking helps so much as does writing down your problems ,and then thinking of solutions or rationalising them(sometimes you cant if your in such a bad place) but just writing it down helps get it off your chest.
Also really take care of yourself eat well,drink well,go to bed early .
i treated myself to lavender pillow and some hypnosis cds and found all those things very useful , i always watch lightheatred dvd in bed or read do somthing that really relaxes you before bed.
also if you havnt already go to your gp and take your list with you incase you forget anything, thats what i do,i feel like a complete idiot as somtimes i write the most stupid things on letters to my gp ,but if you dont tell them everything you will stress over it later convincing yourself that what you missed was the "key to your diagnosis"
I just saw you had bloods done ,im sure they will be normal but even if they are you might not feel reassured for long as with HA its hard to bealive things are ok.
I have bloods done twice weekly for a pregnancy related condition all my bloods are ok,but i still convince myself theyre missing somthing its pathetic really isnt it!!
at least we are all in the same boat,you can get through thisxxxx