View Full Version : Double Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

19-06-06, 13:46
Well - as some of you know I started hypnotherapy for my panic attacks. It was such a job finding one near me and now she is off sick indef. so fedup with it all. Been visiting a friend today who has ME and we talked and talked about me and about her as well. Im lucky my life isnt affected too much just cant go on buses and in busy hot places
. Really frustrated as I seem to be focussing on my fear of fear all the time. Read loads of books and tried relax cds and am fed up with it all.
Im always there for everyone trying to be supportive but now Ive had enough with my own PAs - help any advice?? Wenjoy x

19-06-06, 18:41
hi wenjoy i know its really hard and it does get us down!i say to my husband ,imagine if you felt ill say with a cold or something day in day out ,it would make you feel pretty down too!i ,m also like you in the sense where you try to be really positive to you,re family,friends etc,but sometimes we forget about ourselves!!!it is really frustrating and we do think RIGHT I,VE REALLY HAD ENOUGH OF ALL THIS C**P NOW IVE PUT UP WITH IT FOR LONG ENOUGH NOW I JUST WANT TO GO BACK TO HOW I WAS BEFORE ALL THIS HAPPENED!!!!!if only!!!!i really do hope they soon find a miracle cure for anxiety but for now we just have to perservere!!!i know i haven,t really answered any of your questions SORRY!but just wanted you to know you,re not alone.take care rachel x x

19-06-06, 21:09
you two i cannot over any advice as i feel so down and so sick of trying to act normal to people who , thankfully for them ,do not understand.

you are both not alone


20-06-06, 03:09
what is ME that your friend has?..I've never heard of it.