View Full Version : How will I know when to come off of my sleeping pills?

12-02-12, 14:39
I'm getting rather frustrated, I tried last night to go without taking ANY trazadone (normally take 50mg) and did not sleep worth a hoot. For whatever reason, my body just gets anxious and cannot relax. I think it's a habit that I've gotten myself into, but I'm ready to break it! I'm going to try to take half of my trazadone pill tonight and take a hot bath before bed. Also drink a glass of warm milk and eat a banana, I've heard that can help. Does anyone else have any other suggestions? Also, how will I know when I'm ready to get off of the sleeping medication? Every time I try not taking it I don't sleep :lac: Thanks!

12-02-12, 14:52
Poor you, no sleep :wacko: I think you need to wean yourself off, don't just go cold turkey, your suggestions for tonight are good. Maybe try 3/4 for a few nights, then 1/2, then 1/4 but over a period of time. Your brain is used to having help and I guess still needs it at the moment! You should discuss with your GP. Can you get a 'power nap' during the day? Might help today :)

Hope you manage some sleep tonight, good luck x

12-02-12, 20:17
Before you stop the benzo's talk to your doc and they should set up a tapering playing for you depending on how long you have been on them but as said, don't just stop!

Good luck tonight and let us know how you got on.

13-02-12, 06:22
there are natural anxiety treatments that you can try to help you sleep. Talk to your doctor about replacing your medication with kava or valerian