View Full Version : Lump and or phlegm in throat

12-02-12, 15:03
Sorry that sounds revolting i know but i am fed up of my doctor telling me this stuck in my throat feeling is anxiety related. i am on lansoprazole for acid reflux which again im told is down to the anxiety. i am currently on my 6th week off work for anxiety and its really getting me down. does anyone else have this stuck in the throat feeling please? its driving me round the bend the constant coughing to try bring it up has really given me a sore throat, i have no problems eating or drinking but when im swallowing saliva without eating or drinking i feel like i have to think about swallowing and the lump like feeling isnt relieved.... is this really the anxiety - i dont feel particularly anxious today and its worse than ever, could it be playing on my mind perhaps without me knowing?. ANY HELP PLEASE:weep: XXX

12-02-12, 15:23
I don't think it is a physical problem from what you have said. Sometimes it feels like there is a feather at the back of my throat:) I will cough, forever snitch-up and can't seem to sit comfortably with it:)

Not sure what causes it, but it only seems to last a day, if that, with me.

Hope this helps, Vince :)

12-02-12, 15:39
Hi Vince, thanks for your reply. i have had this feeling now along with acid reflux symptoms, chronic heartburn etc since 21st december 2011 . i have been tomy doctors now 8 times in last 6 weeks and im STILL told its anxiety. and im STILL signed off work. ok so im anxious ok i get it but WHY WONT THE FEELING GO :-( surely something will make it go because the lansoprazole are not making it go and its making me worse thinking about it. i dont think il ever end up back at work at this rate. im so peed off with it :-( x

12-02-12, 15:59
Hiya Chelley

Sorry it is so aggravating. I understand how it is. Work is a good thing. But if we need time off then I know it is difficult sometimes to let time pass.

Anxiety is a terrible thing Chelley. All of us get it. When I am not working I do get bored easily .

The "Swallow Reflex" is a funny thing . Just thinking about the feather in my throat makes me begin to start swallowing :):) Now I'm at it :):):)

Chelley, hope the anxiety passes. And the anti-acid meds' are good. I once had them when I developed an Ulcer !!!!!!!!! It wasn't a serious ulcer but I remember it was at a time when I had a lot on my plate.

Been free from any serious anxiety for many, many years now. But it's best to take time out from work Chelley if we have to.

Hope you soon pick up.

Your feathered friend:

Vince :)

12-02-12, 17:23
thank you vince. i have convinced myself its something a lot more than anxiety and with the bad dreams too im affraid its my innerself trying to give me a warning something bad will happen. xx

12-02-12, 17:33
Hiya Chelley

Our Inner-Self will "warn" us in ways which we can understand . We need not read into our dreams looking for meaning. This will just make us superstitious.

There are ways to better know our inner-self Chelley.

Could be you have been over-worked and exhausted and in misinterpreting symptoms have piled worry on top of worry. I speak from personal experience here:)

This feather is still in my throat Chelley !!!:):)

12-02-12, 17:40
i worry about everything so i suppose in that respect i could well be worried internally without knowing myself.
i have just read that recurring dreams are a warning that we need to change something in our life and that untill we face the problem thats making us dream this scenario then it will keep coming back.
my concern now is that this is in relation to a very nasty ending friendship.i have tried contacting this friend who wants nothing to do with me now for unknown reasons and he is totally ignoring me, like he woke up one morning and completely cut me out of his life for no reaosn whatso ever. i am now scared that if i dont ever get my chance to speak to him to get answera and ask why he did what he did so cruelly then i will never fight this anxiety - its taking over and i need to get me back :-( xxx

sherylee xx
12-02-12, 20:20
its anxiety hun and actually a commen anxiety symptom, i had it the other day and it felt like there was a marble stuck in my throat it lasted ages too, what happens is, is the muscles in your throat tighten causin the lump in the troat feelin that doesnt shift, it ca n happen when you dont feeel anxious as our bodies can react to the slightest level of anxiety without us realisin we are anxious please dont worry it is anxiety xx

13-02-12, 13:59
Hi ya

I know exactly how you are feeling! I have had this lump in the throat feeling for about a month. I have had a horrid throat virus in the middle of it and three doctor have checked my neck saying your glands/lymph node slightly up as you are probably fighting or have been fighting something, they all say there is nothing to worry about! Great for them, but I am left with this horrid lump in the throat feeling. Doesn't effect my eating but I can feel it all the time!! It is horrid, so I totally relate to your feelings! I get scared that there is something seriously wrong but no one seems to think it is.


13-02-12, 18:39
I get it a lot.. having it now and its really annoying! Had it before and docs prescribed low dose diazepam cos its muscle relaxant. Really worked and proved to me it was tight muscles!!!! Xx

13-02-12, 22:05
I get it a lot too. It helps me to remind myself that I've had it for a long time, and I'm still alive and kicking so it can't be that serious.

Try taking a whole day off from coughing, it'll probably do wonders.