View Full Version : Nightmares and nasty dreams

12-02-12, 15:46
Does anyone have nightmares or repeatative dreams that are usually someone trying to hurt, chase or kill you??? i have had the same dream 3 times now and woke this morning crying after being woken up suddenly as someone was chasing me with an axe and when i screamed nothing came out so no one could hear me.

you think this is anxiety related? anyone else experienced this. its making my recovery wose - im curently on sick from work with GAD , this is my 6th week now.


12-02-12, 16:00
I have had very similar dreams,being chased down the street,in my own home,even being buried alive .....
I also dream alot about my kids going missing in a shopping centre,or drowning on holiday,or being abducted (absolutely heartwrenching).....pretty horrible nightmares,where Im shouting out their names and crying hysterically ..... thankfully I havent had one like that for a few months.Im sure it is anxiety related as most of my fears revolve around my kids.
I take Nytol which give me a much deeper sleep.I also try and not watch TV late at night as it makes my mind far to active.
Im having my 1st cbt session on Tuesday which I hope will change my negative thoughts to positive ones

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

I always consult dreammoods website.....its surprising just how much your dreams do relate to your innermost thoughts and feelings

12-02-12, 16:17
It's your anxiety not letting your mind relax and playing out your fears. I hate it when I have woken up crying. Mind you I have also woken up laughing my head off too. I felt like a right womble.
I know this is going to sound silly but my mum told me no matter how bad your day has been to always fall asleep with a smile on your face. Something to do with the smiley muscles feeding oxygen to the brain or the like. I'd forgotten about it until I read your post.
How about we both try it tonight and report back tomorrow?

12-02-12, 17:02
hiya, thanks for your replies, i am glad i am not alone as i am now dreading going to sleep for fear of having those dreams again. i cant take nytol, just the whole thing about it makes me anxious worrying that i wouldnt wake up .

I like the smiling idea, i shall try it tonight and deffo report back tomorrow. thanks xx

12-02-12, 18:04
try and prepare and believe in a nice night's sleep.Try a milky drink (I have Horlicks) a long hot bath,no TV in the bedroom,if you dont fancy Nytol,what about trying a lavender pillow and some relaxing music on low?

13-02-12, 00:05
I second the smile idea too, it's part of getting to sleep in a frame of mind where your mind is happy and rested. Whenever I've had bad nights like that I found sleeping with the light on helped, or a night light, or the radio on low. Once you get a few good nights (and make a note of remembering them, and praising yourself as a result) you'll hopefully get your dream confidence back.

13-02-12, 01:05
Yes I have had these dreams then woke up in a mass panic thinking it was real I hate them so much but I have also heard of remmodys like dream catchers and weird stuff I need to try I think maybe less hours at work to but no your are not alone on this one