View Full Version : wii fit

12-02-12, 15:58
I have started using the wii fit to help with my anxiety, my doctor recommended this as it increases the blood flow and i can honestly say when i am on the wii fit i feel a lot better than i have done and some of my symptoms disappear for a while.. of course they come back when i finish on the wii. just wondered if anyone else found the wii fit to be helpful.
specifically for me, the yoga - because of the breathing excercises.

12-02-12, 16:24
Have no wii fit to use, but the gym does me nicely. If only my muscles didn't ache afterwards.

Can you compete against others on the wii fit. Social competition is a great driver back to health, and a chance to make friends and "beat them into virtual pulp" :-)

one of us:whistles:

12-02-12, 16:59
yep i got wii fit... its very good

12-02-12, 17:06
i was going to go to the gym but for anxiety issues, i didnt, i hate excercising infront of people always have done, maybe this anxiety has been a part of me a very long time before i was diagnosed with it.
You can compete in wii live but mine is not set up for that at the mo, i just keep going on it to try and beat my previous score. i must say - i am rubbish at the skiing one and the advanced step aerobics, but it does help me relax even though im exercising and that isnt relaxing at all but for some reason it works.xx

12-02-12, 17:08
hula hooping always make me larf! and anyone watching me!! and i like the boxing too.

12-02-12, 17:21
yeah the one with two lots of hula hooping is so tough, i only got 500 points. but does make me laugh especially when i see the shape i have taken at the end of it, i dont think i could call them circles lol. .. any tips for the snowboarding one, i keep getting zero lol xx

12-02-12, 17:40
Haven't got wii fit, I'd love one though. Oh the boxing, I couldn't move my top half after playing that and the cycling.
Have you tried Zumba? I bought a Rosemary Conley set from Amazon for about a fiver. It's great fun.

13-02-12, 06:50
I love my wii fit. I usually do the advanced stepping four times and I like the slalom. I'm rubbish at the hula hoop! I particularly like the body test which tells me my wii fit age is 30 when I'm almost 54!
I got the zumba but don't have good coordination so can't keep up. I just do my own thing. :D