View Full Version : I break out in spots whenever i wear football top

12-02-12, 18:40
It's an old Arsenal shirt i wear for just lazing around the house. I have had the top for about 4 years with no problems But the last few times i have worn it it's made me break out in little spots on my shoulders, chest and stomach. They kind of itch.

Is this some kind of allergy?

12-02-12, 19:49
Dont wear it then ?

eight days a week
12-02-12, 20:04
Dust mites in it maybe? Wash at at least 60 degrees to kill them, so I've read.

12-02-12, 20:14
Could be anything, but if its worrying you, and its the only top that does it, then just dont wear it anymore

12-02-12, 21:48
Now i know its the top causing the problem i will obviously not wear it anymore. Was just wondering what the cause was.

eight days a week
12-02-12, 23:29
Now i know its the top causing the problem i will obviously not wear it anymore. Was just wondering what the cause was.

If it was washed with other stuff that you've worn but had no reaction to it probably means it's dustmites or other bugs in that one shirt.

Wash at a high temperature - if it is mites it'll kill them.