View Full Version : Is this feeling in my throat acid reflux?

12-02-12, 21:40
For the past month I have been getting a burning feeling in the back of my throat and neck, and it feel like a feeling of something acidic and there is a strange taste, a bit like when you are sick but all you throw up is bile (sorry for that image!). This happens most commonly when have been drinking or have just eaten something, but has also happened at random times. I have a friend who has been suffering from a hiatus hernia for the past 4 years, and she is sick constantly as the valve that closes off the contents of her stomach doesnt seem to be effective (or something to thi effect). Once or twice I have felt like a very small amount of bile has bubbled up in back of my throat when have been getting the burning feeling and funny taste and Im a bit worried that I might be starting to get the same thing or at least acid reflux which alot of people talk about on this site and I have read that acid reflux can damage the oesophagus and throat/oesophagal cancer has always been one of my particular fears given that they are hard to catch early and your throat and oesophagus cant be easily seen as say a lump somewhere else could be.

Is what I've decribed acid reflux? Is this what people hink of as indigestion? I dont want to mention this to my doc if acid reflux is a very common thing that doesnt usually need investigating, the internet seems mixed as to whether this is a serious condition or not?

12-02-12, 21:45
yes it does sond like reflux, i had similar symptoms and my gp prescribed me meds which work a treat.

my dad passed away from esophogeal cancer - he smoked and drank like a trooper ( at least a bottle of wine every night, and cigars! ) he had pain when swallowing. If you do have reflux, then the meds should sort it and you can ask for an endoscopy too if its persistent. i havent yet, despite my dads diagnosis. he couldnt keep food down and it would come back up. its a world away from reflux which can be caused by stress and anxiety!

*big hugs*

13-02-12, 00:06
Acid reflux itself is not a serious condition but it is annoying and can get worse if not treated. It can lead to Barrett's Oesophagus which is where the cells in the oesophagus change. It is a pre-cancerous condition BUT I read that only about 2% of people with BO will get oesophagal cancer. If you do ever get BO, your dr will send your for regular endoscopies to make sure nothing is happening down there!

I would mention it to your doctor. They will give you some PPI tablets to help you. :)