View Full Version : chest pains and palps for last 6 months

12-02-12, 22:11
Hi las new year i was spicked with a canabis cake at a party after leaveing party i had suvieor heart burn witch i had never had before as i am only 24 i rushed to hospital thinking i was haveing heart attack the gave m a ecg witch came back normal and told me it was the canabis witched cause the senseations i was haveing eny way few weeks later i was fine till one day at a frends with my new girl frend i just started feeling realy nervous and surreal i it got that bad i had to leave with out telling her i thaught i was going to die i drove iraticaly to my mums with my heart raceing and then she took me a and e were they did a nother ecg witch came back fine eny way this feeling kept reacuring i wud jist lie there in bed ang get palps witch i had not had before witch wud then cause me to panic had to get a abulance out twice so i started to get a lot of diffrent symtoms from no were reagularly and they seamd to change from week to week like one week i wud just lie down watch tv and then a rush of heat wud fly through my body and my teath wud ache for no reason so i went to docs he did my bloods checked me fo diebieties etc and sent me away then i jist started to check my pulse all the time and it feels to me as if its not in time witch makes me worie and i got lots of regular palps wen i was in bead etc so my doc did a 24hr tape witch came back fine so id had 4 ecg all bloods and a 24 hour tape so the doc told me he is shure its panic and anxity but now every day i get chest pain and pains in my arms and back im so scared ive bedn back to docs ge said he cant do enything and doesnt want to give me pills due to my age my mum doesnt no wat to do with me they all think im fine but i dont feel it im so scared that sonthibgs bad gona happen and no one wud have listend to me i live on my own and hate it due to worieing i have heart desise or somthing i dont nowat to do to help my self im a big powerfull lad 6ft 2 was 14stone last summer with no body fat since this started ive lost lot of size and stoped goin gym etc can eny body help it has got to the point were i have broke down a few times abd just cryed abd thats not like me i have never been emotonal before plz help .craig

24-02-12, 22:02
How cum npbody replying

24-02-12, 23:38
Hi iddon it really does sound like anxiety heart palps chest pain all anxiety its really horrible and scary how it makes you feel but its all anxiety thats it just calm down and relax breath your fine i know its easier said than done but we all know what its like and know how you feel just remember anxiety feels horrible but cant harm you

25-02-12, 00:04
I have lost weight too since my palpitations started...seems to come with the worry and anxiety I think.

It will get better with time and once you get more used to the feelings and they seem more normal. Sometimes medication can help too.

Take care and hope it gets better for you

25-02-12, 02:26
If you've had multiple ECGs and a 24hr tape come back clear you do not have a dangerous heart arrythmia.

Ectopics are very common and also not dangerous. I had a heart scare recently and after the all-clear I got skipped beats frequently, especially at night - until I started getting an abdomen pain that distracted by attention from my heart. They then disappeared. It's very likely you are only feeling these things because you're paying far too much attention to your heart. I know it can be hard to stop, but you can at least reassure yourself nothing is wrong.

I also completely sympathise with living alone, and being male and having this - it's humiliating and frightening at the same time. But you have to keep telling yourself that nothing is wrong. No one ever died from eating cannabis cakes, and the doctors have thoroughly investigated you for any problems and found nothing.

25-02-12, 23:20
Thank you for your advice i just find it hard to tell my self that im ok wen i have these allover sensations daily the only time i dont get a symtom is wen im busy doin somthing

26-02-12, 08:42
G'day mate sorry your having a rough time.....

What you have to tell yourself is that the Ecgs you have had are fine.... You are not in any danger and the thoughts about thinking you are having a heart attack are creating your fight or flight response to go into over drive....

What I suggest is going to your GP having a chat about your panic attacks which is what they are and set up some counseling to find out where this anxiety is coming from...

Things will get better Mate!

Remember as scary as it is at the time it is just anxiety and panic! Breathe!!!!

macc noodle
26-02-12, 10:31
Thank you for your advice i just find it hard to tell my self that im ok wen i have these allover sensations daily the only time i dont get a symtom is wen im busy doin somthing

Hey Craig - hit the nail on the head here - if you had something physically wrong with you then when you are busy they would NOT go away - they would increase if heart related surely???

When I am in the midst of really bad anxiety, if I stop and think about it, it gets worse but if I make myself keep busy then I am generally much much better.

Why not try getting down the gym and see how you go??


26-02-12, 17:02
I will try the gym again i bought the lindem. Methord that disent seam to work i just fl quite bad at most days and i get it bad whilst driveing enywere its got that bad that i constantaly check were the nearest hospitals are and keep my fone with me in case i have heart attack the symtoms get that bad my doc said he dosent no wat to do with me he wont put me on enything just checks my bp witch is high for my age at 150 /87 he says thats because of anxiety ? Im in a big rut . I went to see a councler but after 4 sessions i cud no longer afford as he £50 per hour and the waiting list for one through nhs is massive

27-02-12, 03:48
Thank you for your advice i just find it hard to tell my self that im ok wen i have these allover sensations daily the only time i dont get a symtom is wen im busy doin somthing
I had the same thing.

The doctors asked me repeatedly if my problems got worse when I exercised, which would indicate heart problems, but actually they got better. It's because I wasn't thinking about my health so much. If you had serious problems you would be aware of them constantly, and heart problems would be worsened by being active.

I also always kept a phone on me to call an ambulance; after a week or two it passed, but you have to work at it. If you think about it constantly and become more and more isolated you will make your symptoms worse because you will never be distracted from them.