View Full Version : introduction from newbie

12-02-12, 22:16
At last I seem to have a found an active forum. I've been searching for years for a support group either on or off line, so I hope there are some real people out there.

I've been suffering depression to varying degrees for the past 25 years (I am now 42). I take sertraline, but don't think it makes any difference. The worse med I took was Citalopram.

I never used to think I had anxiety or panic, becuase i couldn't tell the difference between those feelings and just feeling awful with depression, but I think my depression makes me hate myself and give me low self esteem and then I think everyone hates me and is bored by me and then I can't face anyone and get get really isolated and then...well it;s a vicious circle isn't it?

However, at the moment I am REALLY panicing and feel very anxious. I can hardly breathe right now. My throat is clamped shut and sore, I can't talk and my jaw feels solid. I have such bad tension headaches.

I know we are not supposed to discuss suicide on here, I don't want to do so, but do want to say that I think about it all the time and it's not because I actually want to kill myself (I couldn't do it to my family) but I don't want to feel like this for the next 25 years and I can't see any other way - nothing so far has worked.

everything is just so hard and I can't talk to anyone anymore about it because its just been going on so long it is boring to everyone and no one understands anyway.

anyway, that's me. I'm glad I found the site and hope to talk to some of you soon.

BTW - I've called myself Littleredhen because thats what I feel like - you know the nursery tale about the little red hen who can't find anyone to help her, so she does everything by herself.

12-02-12, 22:19
Hi littleredhen

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-02-12, 22:22
Hi Littleredhen :welcome:

You are not alone anymore ..........lots of us know exactly how you feel and help each other .
Lots of info re meds and therapy here ......and support .

12-02-12, 22:41
:welcome: to nmp littleredhen, you will not have to do everything by yourself any more, we are all here to help and support you xxx

Social in Sydney
13-02-12, 10:29
Hi Little Red Hen. I'd really encourage you to learn CBT if you haven't already. It will help you challenge the negative self talk that we're all prone to.:hugs: When I first learnt it I realized how much I "expected the worst" and by going into situations conscious of not doing this my mind relaxed and I could think clearly. When you practice CBT you'll find there are a beliefs you've adopted about the world which do you no good and are likely to be untrue. Have you tried CBT?