View Full Version : breast clinic

13-02-12, 07:24

Have not been on the posts for a while, have been quite well but, I found a small lump in my left breast, I have got 4 of these in my right breast that I had checked out at the doctors about 4 years ago and they never referred me to the clinic, but they have for the one I have found on the left breast. He said he did not think it was cancer but that I had some fibros tissue which could be due to hormones. for two weeks i have been poking a prodding both breasts and they both seem sooo lumpy small lumps, big lumps, long lumps and now I am due for a peroid they seem even more lumpy. I have got myself into such a state Im shaking, crying, pacing. I am scared all these lumps are cancerous and Im going to have to have both breast off. Anybody had anything similar?


macc noodle
13-02-12, 08:45

Now you need to take a deep breath and ring your docs right away and ask for an appiontment - you should not have to be worrying yourself like this.

Now here comes the best bit - you are due a period - you have lumpy boobs anyway - that is why you can feel these lumpy bumpy bits !! I have very fibrous boobs and at any given time I can feel lumpy bits and bobs in there (esp. now I am peri-menopausal and my periods and hormones are all over the place!!).

I am sure that it is just your body and how you are made but you must go and see a doc and ask for a referral to get it checked out. No GP should have let you worry for this long.

About 15 years ago, I had the same issues - went to see my GP and was referred for a mammo. Came back normal as she said it would and that it was just that I have very fibrous big boobs! Now I suffer really bad HA and can honestly say that in all the years I have fretted and fussed over "illnesses" my lumpy boobs have not been on the list - simply because I listened to the doc had a test which came back clear and then reasoned that I had had the lumpy bits for so long I would have been long dead by now !!!

You will be fine you just need it checking out and your mind putting at rest.


13-02-12, 08:52

thanks for your reply my gp has referred me to breast clinic my appointment if tomorrow!!!!!! ahhhhhh.

Thing is am sooo scared to go sound like im being such a baby. My mum has had breast cancer so this worrys me even more.

These lumps are in both breasts as i say they are tiny, small, big, long, loads of them. I am 46 this year. so could be dreaded hormones. I am big boobs too (32f).

Thanks again let you no how i get on.


macc noodle
13-02-12, 09:09
Hi Lorraine

In my area, you can start mammograms and reg breast clinic appts at the age of 47 - they are trialling this I believe.

Anyway, I had a mammo earlier this year and I have to say I was in such a state but it came back clear.:D

Yep big boobies are the culprits of much anxiety !!!! I have a DD cup eeeeekkkk!!! lol

To be honest, whilst I am no doctor!!, you would seem to fit the profile for perimenopause too.

Deep breaths and get it done girl - will be thinking of you.

And remember this honey, breast cancer treatment has come on in leaps and bounds so if it is the worst news you can imagine at least you are getting it sorted.

So even looking at it from all angles and whilst being petrified (which I totally understand), you are being checked and whatever the problem is (if there is one), will be sorted.


13-02-12, 16:43
Hi lorraine,

I have just been through exactly the same thing, I can imagine exactly how u feel. I was fortunate enough to be able to go privately. I had a small dent in my right breast and went to the gp to have it checked. She did a visual examination, followed by a physical examination. The dr said she could feel some lumpiness and said she could re examine me in 2 weeks as I was on ny period or refer me straight to the breast clinic. I chose the referral.

I got in such a state though that my partner said to go privately. I managed to get a private apt for the next day. That night I hardly slept - I decided that if it was something sinister I would have both breasts removed and I chose a song for my fueral. In the morning I was almost sick with nerves.

Off I went to the private hospital and saw a breats specialist who did a visual and physical exam. She said she couldn't feel anything untowardn but could feel some dominant granularity. For my piece of mind however she sent me there and then for an ultrasound. She said that if the ultrasound showed anything deeper in the breast they would take a biopsy. Thankfully, the ultrasound showed nothing more than fatty tissue. My breasts are H cup, so a little bigger than yours.

there are lots of breast lumps that are benign - cysts, fibrous lumps and fatty lumps, so you have every chance of being fine.

How old are you? Under a certain age they won't do a mammogram, just an ultrasound, which is more sensitive due to the density of breast tissue.

What does your lump feel like exactly?

14-02-12, 15:14
hi lorraine read my latest posts im going through the same thing at the minute x

15-02-12, 09:05

went to breast clinic yesterday. They did a mammagram and ultrasound scan. Found the lump. Had a needle into it as they thought it was a cyst but it did not burst. So they took a biopsy and as they went in to take the 2nd piece of biopsy tissue it burst. What i had was a complexed cyst that had been there a while and had grown a hard case around it which is why it did not burst when they put the needle in. So all was well!!!!!!!!! thank godness. They discharged me yesterday and said they would write to me with the biospy results as they still have to send it off to be tested.

Thankyou so much for all your replies and reassurance.
