View Full Version : Leukaemia fears - please help

13-02-12, 12:54
Recently I've had a bad time with health anxiety and panic attacks so my mind's been racing through different ilnesses I could have.
My mum's book a doctors appointment for me to have a full check up, blood test etc to hopefully reassure me that there's nothing wrong with me but I'm so afraid that they're going to find that there actually is something wrong.
I've been a bit nervous about leukaemia since I had a couple of unexplained bruises on my shins and I felt fine otherwise but since I've been suffering from this health anxiety in the last week I've felt a bit tired out sometimes.
I'm so afraid of getting cancer or leukaemia (my grandad died of leukaemia before I was born so it's always been in my head) and I don't think I could cope if I was actually ill.

I really wish sometimes that I was able to not worry and think 'it won't happen to me' but I've been so lucky in my life, I'm just expecting something to go wrong.

13-02-12, 14:56
I've been EXACTLY the same as you. I don't know why leukemia came into my head though, I've been worrying about it for months and am now just realizing that if I did actually have it, I'd be fairly ill by now. I initially had a bad cold and couldn't get rid of the cough for weeks, so I started worrying that my immune system was bad, then I googled and of course leukemia cropped up.... The little cogs in my mind started putting 2 and 2 together. I was so anxious and depressed I was developing symptoms of it! However most these have gone since I'm a bit more relaxed now, but I'm still finding little red blood spots on my skin after I shower!. I haven't had a blood test but I'm now quite sure I don't have it. I was imagining lying on my deathbed being terrified with my family around me!
Going to the doctor for your blood test will set your mind at ease, we all get little bruises from time to time, leukemia bruises are severe, as far as I know you'd be VERY ill. Anxiety can bring on all sorts of symptoms and wear us down. Once you start relaxing I promise you'll feel better.

13-02-12, 16:18
Hi ya
im of no help to you as im equally stressed about the same thing its horrible isnt it,the constant worry is tiering in itself and thats whats likely causing yours.
Just wanted to say you are not alone leukemia is one of my bug bears as is lymphoma ,pretty much any of the dreaded C's is what i live in terror of.
Im sure everything will be fine you will feel better after youve had your bloods done im sure.
Stay strongxxxx

13-02-12, 22:56
Please dont worry,know it so easy to say rather than do!!!!
I to had the same scare tlast month had some blood tests, doc phoned me the next day which paniked me straight away and said i needed a re test, as white blood count was low. Well ov course i googled straight away and it told me how it was a sign of leukaemia..... a week of panic and the re test was fine doc to said i would of had other symptoms like unexplained weight loss,tiredness,night sweats and my bloods would of been all over the place, so please dont worry and take care im sure you are fine xxx