View Full Version : Sinus

13-02-12, 15:37
I typed in a few days ago about MILD headache on top of head that felt like fingers on top of head, causing either MILD Pain or MILD Pressure. Someone here said it sounds like tension. Several Drs told me they believe it's sinuses since I get mild pain in face, forehead & temples & nasal symptoms. I'm wondering if ANYONE here knows about sinus problems. These drs I've seen say it is NOT sinus INFECTION but INSTEAD MILD CHRONIC SINUS CONDITION. Can anyone tell me if there's a DIFFERENCE between sinus condition & infection? Also can sinus CONDITION cause pressure on top of head? I NEED to know because drs are not giving me clear answers. I would appreciate ANY response AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Thank You. P.S. please don't suggest my seeing any more drs. I've seen so many & NO HELP. My symptoms are mild, but I've had this problem on & off since July of 2011. I have ABSOLUTELY NO neurological symptoms. Any responses GREATLY APPRECIATED. Thank You.

13-02-12, 17:07
I have had sinus issues all my life, I get a sinus infection about 3 times a year, but I dont know what a sinus condition is, I've never heard of it.

Generally my DR tells me that some people just have screwed up sinuses, its nothing to be too worried about. I find that about 4 or 5 days before I get a sinus infection I get a headache like your describing, but everyones different.

Usually it hurts above your eyebrows, across your cheeks and the back of your neck where your skull meets your neck. Have you tried putting a hot pack on the places it hurts? Sometimes the sinuses just get clogged up, and a steamy shower might work too.

In any case, dont worry. I had a friend who had the same symptoms, felt like a hand shape of pain was going across the top of her head. She went to her doctor, she was very worried, he said it could just be a pinched nerve because of the way she slept. She insisted and he did scans and tests, everything was fine and it eventually worked itself out.