View Full Version : Back again...bowel cancer worries

13-02-12, 17:57
Hi guys...

So I thought I was SO much better...I had a very bad period of HA that started in September 2011 which ended up in me being put on Sertraline, being monitored by my doctor every week and referred for CBT. It was because I convinced myself I either had bowel or pancreatic cancer. I had blood test, an X Ray and an ultrasound. All clear.

I got pregnant in November 2011 which meant I had to come off my medication and although my anxiety remained it became focused on the baby and whether I would have a miscarriage. I had a number of panic attacks but actually began to feel like I was coping and I gave my HA little thought. I started only having to see my doctor on a monthly basis and she was really impressed!

So back to now...I've been gradually feeling more down to the point that this weekend I thought I could feel the old pains (put down to IBS when I first went to the docs) and this was followed by constipation. I totally understand that constipation is part and parcel of pregnancy but I'm not dealing with it well at all. I'm able to have a BM but have to strain every time and it's quite little and pellet-like, sometimes thin. So I've gone back to my bad habits of checking, googling and basically spending all day thinking about whether bowel cancer has been missed. Some of me must be better because I can acknowledge this is probably just pregnancy related but for the most part I can feel I'm on the same slippery slope.

I don't want this, especially now as it would be so bad for the baby. I want to enjoy this pregnancy and all I can think about is that I've got cancer.

This site saved my life last time, so I'm really hoping it can again!

Thanks guys x

14-02-12, 02:22
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I'd say since you had all those tests done I really wouldn't worry. My father developed bowel problems, and they detected harmless cysts far before anything even got a tiny bit worse. If your tests came back completely clear I'd try to trust the tests.

Anxiety can do things even if we dont notice. I'm not pregnant, and I've been eating regularly, exercising, and generally recovering from my recent bout of anxiety, and I didnt poop for for a whole week this month! I used to go daily. Your bodys just using more nutrients for your baby, and for you. Try starting the day with a big glass of water, and making sure you drink plenty (if you dont already). Also I heard a banana on an empty stomach works wonders.

Good luck!

14-02-12, 14:04
Hi ya
we have a bit in common,im pregnant too and finding things very difficult.
im the same and try to reassure myself with the billion bloods ive had done and scans that somthing would be picked up,i cant help but doubt them . i can just about relax on blood cancers at the mo,but i still obsess over all the others!
my bowels have played me up throughout the pregnancy i have ibs and used to be the constipated type,but in this pregnancy its changed and now somedays im loose,somedays constipated,have had piles . ive been to gp lots and theyve looked there many times but seen nothing(im sure they think i like getting my big fat bum out lol)
my smear was due in september and i couldnt have it due to the pregnancy so ive convinced myself when i have one there will be a problem!!!
everything is blamed on hormones in pregnancy isnt it which is hard to bealive as a HA sufferer ,especially a pregnant HA sufferer they just look at you and blame it on hormones or anxiety!
my relapse happened when i was very early in my pregnancy ,i wanted to go on meds but was told i cant until afterwards(im literally going to get a prescription the day i deliver!)
when are you due???