View Full Version : feel like i cant breathe and my throat feels like its closing up?

13-02-12, 18:03
well for like a month and 2 weeks i have had a feeling like i cant breathe i have posted a thread on this numerous times and it was kinda going off and i was reassured but last night i was that bad all of a sudden fear came over me and i started getting that feeling in my stomach my throat felt like it went really sore so i spazzed over that i tried to calm down but i couldn't so i tried to go to bed this was at 1:45 in the morning i went to sleep for about 45 minutes and suddenly woke up i started feeling scared again i opened my eyes and everything around me was shaking i blinked a couple of times and it went but anyways i was so scared to get up this morning but i eventually did and now it feels like there is something in my throat like its swollen up and its so sore and im really scared i get random moments of fear aswell im so scared to die or something ive been checked out by two doctors by the way and bot checked asthma heart rate throat found nothing they were baffled by it i just don't know what to do my prom is coming up this year and i wanna live to see it please help im in a really bad way at the moment i just don't know what to do :'(

13-02-12, 18:41
I feel like its hard to breath when I get palpitations , heart races or I focus on my breathing :(
I too have had a tight throat for a year :( some days are worse than others .
Going to see an ENT next week so I hope to God I'll get some answeres as the sensation is always there n it's hard to ignore it and not get scared .

Sometimes I wake up in a panic , heart racing , vision funny , takes me a few minutes to fully wake up, then I feel like its hard to breath , like my cheast it too tight .
The more I focus on it the worse it gets .
I find breathing through my nose n sucking on a mint helps .
Slow breathing can help too n breathing in through your tummy instead of your chest .

I have a an actuall lump on my neck n I swear I can feel it too on the inside :(
But with you it could simply be reflux or if you suffer from acid .
Anxiety too can cause the throat mucles to tense up , so it can feel like your throat is too tight. I find wearing a scarf seems to lessen the sensation some how .

Have you been to the doctor about your throat ?
I've been tones of times n now I'm off to see a specialist .
If its really bothering there's no harm in getting checked up.
Honestly there's no reason that your throat would close up , it's more likely it simply feels too tight . As long as you can swallow water everything's ok.