View Full Version : feels like i have a sore throat cant breath and cant take a deep breath

13-02-12, 20:59
well for like a month and 2 weeks i have had a feeling like i cant breathe i have posted a thread on this numerous times and it was kinda going off and i was reassured but last night i was that bad all of a sudden fear came over me and i started getting that feeling in my stomach my throat felt like it went really sore so i spazzed over that i tried to calm down but i couldn't so i tried to go to bed this was at 1:45 in the morning i went to sleep for about 45 minutes and suddenly woke up i started feeling scared again i opened my eyes and everything around me was shaking i blinked a couple of times and it went but anyways i was so scared to get up this morning but i eventually did and now it feels like there is something in my throat like its swollen up and its so sore and im really scared i get random moments of fear aswell im so scared to die or something ive been checked out by two doctors by the way and bot checked asthma heart rate throat found nothing they were baffled by it i just don't know what to do my prom is coming up this year and i wanna live to see it please help im in a really bad way at the moment i just don't know what to do :'( the soreness came on last night i looked up thinking i had throat cancer and one of the symptoms was sore throat i thought oh i havnt got it and suddenly it came on not to bad and when i woke up it wasnt there and its just came back and got worse im sooooo scared :S

anx mum
13-02-12, 21:08
Hi hun ive suffered with something simular i couldnt get a breath this was from anxiety i felt like i was being suffocatted its a horrible feeling i really believed i was gonna die but im still here and this symptom i get alot i wouldnt wish this on anyone the way to stop it is to distrate yourself i know easier said then done blow in paper bag for me i would go outside and compose myself

13-02-12, 21:10
Hey there. Sorry your feeling like this. Firstly, stop googling! Honestly, if you google a sore big toe you'll find a serious diagnosis in 2 clicks! Post nasal drip will dry out your throat and can make it sore. Further, anxiety will contract all your neck and back muscles and make your throat feel constricted. Many of us on this site have experienced what you are feeling and it's awful. But, it will go. If you think about it, the reaction you are suffering from is ten times worse than the symptoms themselves I bet. Try and have a relaxation plan for when this occurs. Warm drink, bath, music, book etc. Once you find that you have been distracted from the symptoms on more than one occassion, you will learn to recognise that it is the fear causing most of your worries adn they will subside.
Relax and take care. I am sure you are and will be fine.

14-02-12, 14:34
terrible sore throat here today too! cant count the times ive looked at it.
i think ive had post nasal drip as have felt mucus running down my throat at night recently(im trying to pacify myself on that anyway!)
id imagine people who have throat cancer have many more symptoms and they would be going on longer.
i know i sound like im totally fobbing you off and i certainly know how that feels! try gargling salt water and get some strepsils or somthing .
and then like Abarth said try relaxation tequniques.
over breathing doesnt help either with sore throats,im convinced mines aggrevated my that.try not to worryxxx

14-02-12, 17:19
The reason you feel you can't breathe is completely because you are anxious, scared, tense and stressed. Breathlessness, tight throat, tight chest, feeling like you can't fill your lungs, feeling like there is a tight band around your chest or throat are all physical manifestations of a state of fear. I have had these symptoms SO many times!
This is the cycle - you start to worry about an illness that you might have which creates anxiety, which creates breathlessness, which creates more fear and so it goes on..
You have a sore throat because there are loads of viruses going around at the moment. You'll probably find loads of your friends have the same thing. Drink loads of liquids (not alcohol)
Like me, you may have a fear about choking or suffocating but having a sore throat which is probably because of a virus is not life-threatening. The chances of having anything more serious is very remote. Try to relax.

14-02-12, 18:18
thanks alot everyone its going off slowly now and i will make sure sebinkent to drink plenty of water :)