View Full Version : does anyone else think this is a con?

19-06-06, 17:49
www.panicportal.com was given to me I've read it but I'm sure its too good to be true, so it probably is, anyone got any thoughts??

19-06-06, 17:59
im sure ive seen this on ebay. try typing panic attacks on the ebay site and see what ebooks come up. Personally, i wouldnt bother. to me, the cure is to face it and over come it.

19-06-06, 19:09
Hi there, as they say if it seems to good to be true it is!!! I am so very cynical, in my opinion, leave well alone, i believe this type of offer prey on the vulnerable who are looking for a quick, miracle cure, which probably lies within us (and the professionals, of course) no offence meant to anyone, but steer well clear, in my opinion. xxxxx

19-06-06, 19:22
I'd like to know how he can prove that panic attacks can be eliminated for good.
Does he have a time machine?

Maybe he chases ambulances too.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-06-06, 20:21
Well it doesnt cost anything to have the emails sent to you with more info.
I signed up for them will let youknow if they are any good

Pam x

22-06-06, 13:38

I clicked on the link and to be honest, as soon as the website appeared, I closed it again. I hope you have anti spyware on your PC, because it doesnt look to genuine to me.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

22-06-06, 15:15
ooh crumbs ,that is tempting!I am worried that it is a con tho!!OOH,if any one does go for it,do let us know.I am easily swayed by this kind of thing,but then i have wasted money on therapists before now...totelly befuddled,Mary-Rose :) xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

22-06-06, 17:54
I think it's a con to be honest with you.
If it was as good as it says wouldn't it be available on the NHS?

Take care

