View Full Version : Lack of concern by doctor

13-02-12, 22:57
Hi guys for the last 7 weeks I’ve been going through a range of problems including abdominal pain, light headedness and vision problems but the last time i was at the doctors she told me don’t worry about the pain telling me it’s nothing this was almost as soon as i sat down im a bit worried by this lack of concern she simply looked over my blood results from about 3 weeks ago and said its nothing don’t worry. the only problem is why am i still getting abdominal pain and vision problems 7 weeks later it’s not like I’ve always been like this or that i am just making this up.

Just wondering what you guys think i should do. Should i change doctor or demand further testing.

14-02-12, 01:23
The thing is that those symptoms can and are much more likely caused by anxiety.
If it was anything more it should show up in your bloods. Thus the lack of concern. Sadly some drs could be more empathetic, but I would trust what they say.

14-02-12, 02:15
I would go to a new doctor or ask for a referral ?
What kind of pain are you having ?
You should go to specsavors for an eye test , in the mean time .
They should be able to detect any major problems when they shine the light in your eye.
They also do a visual field test and an eye pressure test.

14-02-12, 05:49
Doctors are usually like that. They tend to rule out anything serious and if anything doesnt show up then they are usually stumped and dont know what it is.

When it had happened to me I use to go to a naturalpath who use to treat alot of my symptoms with natural medicines, sometimes they are good but then other times it is very pricey and can be a waste of money.

Unfortunately if we dont have anything serious then the doctors arent going to try and fix it, they can give you pain relief or other medications but they arent going to try and find out what is causing it if nothing shows up on tests and rules out seriousness.

What I would do is prob ask around at pharmacies or health stores and see what they have that can help with your symptoms. Ive been struggling with IBS for 6 years and Ive spent alot of time looking around for solutions to ease the pains. But if I want to get something checked further because Im worried or something doesnt seem right I always go back to my gp to rule out anything.

14-02-12, 06:18
Could be side a side-effect of any medication you are on. It seems the doctoe has eliminated any 'serious'condition yet still you're having trouble. Maybe it is dietary in origin ? Or even an allergic reaction ?

Hope this helps, Vince;0

14-02-12, 09:31
Disbelief in a doctors diagnoses and "doctor shopping" are both extremely common symptoms of hypochondriasis. You don't have to be "making it up" for it to be "nothing". Some of our symptoms are very real and are simply created by anxiety (as was mentioned). Also, and this isn't something we like to hear, bodies aren't perfect, they do all kinds of weird things for often times no serious reason. For instance, when I was in my early adulthood (I'm 32 now) I had many of the same symptoms you described. I was getting blurry vision, dizzy spells, abdominal cramps, feeling like I was going to be sick, etc. Saw a doctor who did some tests and was "baffled" because nothing seemed wrong. Doctor told me to call back in a week if symptoms hadn't improved or gone. They didn't. Next time I spoke with the doctor he asked me -again- if I was on any new medication. This time it dawned on me, I had recently switched birth control pills. He told me that could cause all of my symptoms, yes, even the visual issues. I stopped taking them and within a couple days all the symptoms were gone. So, you see, there was a rather simple explanation. I've also had other times in my life with weird bouts of stomach upset or dizzy spells that I convinced myself was every disease in the book... but they went away... and I'm still here. Adding: my husband, who never worries about his health much, is in good shape, and rarely gets so much as a cold.... once broke out in a complete hivey rash. Full body, for a couple days, years ago. Doctors had no ide, he still has no clue what caused it, but here he is today. I know it's easy to say it (trust me I do) but "shit happens".