View Full Version : Difficulty breathing in during/after mealtimes

14-02-12, 02:12
I have searched google (I know I know) high and low looking for what this could be, and it worries me more that I cant find anything!

I have some stomach issues, I suspect, because when my anxiety revs up I can feel my stomach burning and making tons of gas ( I burp a lot). For the past 3 months I have been frantic over the fact that sometimes I feel as though I'm wheezing, but only when breathing in, and I have a hard time breathing in. I have no chest tightness when this happens, and I dont feel as though I'm out of breath, just when I breathe in it feels, I guess I would call it coarse, rough. Like borderline wheezing.

I went to my DR, an ear nose and throat specialist (who looked down my throat with a mirror) and a pulmonologist (I have asthma but this is not my asthma at all, and I'm actually scheduled for challenge testing because my pulmo believes I dont have asthma anymore). I've had all the blood work, chest xrays, ekgs, everything you can think of.

I'm now noticing that it is mainly during or after I eat or drink, and thats anything. It doesnt happen at every meal, mostly in the evening, and its not an allergic reaction or my asthma, I've taken antihistamines and my inhailer, and neither did anything at all. Sometimes it lasts for 5 minutes, sometimes 3 hours, but I never become out of breath.

Sorry for the length, and thank you for reading this far, but I was wondering if anyone else had this, ever, and if it ended up being just anxiety? I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist tomorrow, because the only thing I can think it'd be would be my stomach or gall bladder. I'd greatly appreciate any advice or stories anyone can share about this. Thank you

14-02-12, 12:16
Hi Danii,

The symptoms you mention regarding stomach gas/bloating after meals is almost certainly an effect of the anxiety. I believe the reason that you are experiencing these discomforts in your body after you have eaten is because of the state of mind you are in before you eat.

This is actually a very important issue when it comes to eating/mealtimes, and one that is not very well documented at all. Digestion is one of the fundamental keys to the general health and wellbeing of a person. When you consume food, it is very important that your mind, body and spirit are collectively in at least a semi-relaxed and calm state, to allow ease of digestion and absorption of vital nutrients for the body. What types of food you are eating is also important, but for now, let's address the primary issue.

My advice would be to take 5 minutes or so before each meal to calm and relax yourself before eating. One of the best ways I have found to do so is simply slow breathing, silence, and even lighting a candle. The key here is to bring your awareness down to your body, allowing the 'mental chatter' to transcend so that you are present and conscious when you begin eating. I know that what I am talking about here may sound to you like it's a bunch of alternative 'woowoo', but I can assure you it will assist in feeling much more at ease after eating, not to mention improving your health.

On that note of ease - As I said before, digestion is very important. So make sure you eat slowly and consciously, rather than cramming it all down in a hurry. In terms of what you eat, for the sake of simplicity, let's just say that a bunch of grapes for breakfast will digestion 10 times more easily than a bowl of cereal with milk. One choice energises the cells of your body, the other choice stimulates them. However, I'm not telling you what to eat, I'm simply suggesting that you allow your body to guide you in making the right food choices, rather that your mind/intellect. You will be surprised at just how much amazing guidance and insights your body will give you if you listen to it!

I hope this is of some help to you, and that you start feeling better soon! :)


14-02-12, 20:34
I was diagnosed with g.e.r.d - acid reflux last year and i have a similar symptom to yourself only after ive eaten, and i find its worse for some reason after ive eaten bread or the occassional biscuit ?
I dont get the constant heartburn that some people get as i assumed i would but good news is its manageable.
I hope your dr puts your mind at ease when you see him.
Take care

14-02-12, 22:43
thank you innerpeace that was really good advice. I've notice my anxiety gets worse in the evening, maybe thats why this only occurs with meals later in the day. I'll try to do this. That would also explain why it happens more when I go out to eat and I'm out of my "safety" zone.

lesleya - thats exactly what I've tried to eat to calm my stomach, plain bread, and it sometimes makes it worse than things you think would, like greasy foods. The specialist I saw today put me on some stuff, he said it sounded like gerd. Also he reassured me of something, and I'll pass this along incase anyone else has major fears about breathing associated with gerd - he said gerd would never stop you from breathing, it just might make it difficult at times, if it got awful.

Thanks to both of you, very much :)

15-02-12, 14:23
Glad your feeling a little better about it as it is a bit worrying when you cant put a name to it, but when i went to see my gp and explained how i was feeling he said to me do you feel like you cant breathe after food? it was a relief and it put my mind at ease knowing what it was so now i take lanzoprasole and find it helps.
Good luck