View Full Version : Bloated upper left stomach?

14-02-12, 10:17
Uh this is awful.. I'm having a reflux flare up and my upper left gut is so bloated I feel like I have a brick in there, it feels so packed with food & gas I cannot shift it!!! It's really scaring me now... I can't take one more day. I also feel like I'm not going to the toilet properly I always feel unemptied... I'm on omeprazole 40mg.. I'm so scared I have cancer eating away at me & my body's shutting down!

Lele x

14-02-12, 13:54
bless ya,im exactly the same awful isnt it!
alot of my relapse has been due to tummy issues(always blamed on ibs,or muscular) though im always convinced its the dreaded c ,or simular .
i had ultrasound and billions of bloods done but still it doesnt help does it.
i think sometimes that gassy thing is us over breathing in panic,i found when my reflux was bad i was burping like hell ,when i sat and concentrated i was so badly hyperventalating from the panic.
once i went to A&E with pain like that and they found i was hyperventilating so when i get that now i try to control my breathing more .
my bowels are naff too i constantly think i need to go .
Do you have ibs ?

14-02-12, 15:32
Yeah I have ibs. I feel so swollen and blocked up its awful!!

I'm really scared!

Lele x

14-02-12, 15:43
Try some tonic water and have a good burp - it may help

14-02-12, 15:53
Tried that..

14-02-12, 15:55
or a peppermint tea although it smells horrid!
i know youve probably been told this a billion times but try controlling and slowing your breathing too,maybe get a hot water bottle and put it on your bloated area ive found heat helps that sort of thingxx