View Full Version : If my fear is to harm others how you face it?

14-02-12, 13:24
I keep on reading about facinmg your fears to conquer them...well right, but what if you worst fear is harming others or your loved ones...HOW YOU FACE THAT???

14-02-12, 13:26
you face the fear for what it is... JUST A THOUGHT..... these are just thoughts NOT instructions... as in to face it , you let the thought in, you rationalise with it, and then let it go.... if you push the thought away, that would be not facing it.
I mean your actual fear isnt that you actually want to harm, (you know youd never actually 'want to harm' anyone) your fear is why are you having the THOUGHT of wanting to harm....so thats what you face, the thoughts....

14-02-12, 13:42
You face it by accepting it - part of your anxiety is that you get these thoughts. Others have (myself included after the birth of my daughter, and it was THE most frightening thing ever!!) had similar invasive thoughts, and they can pop up when you are at your most stressed.

As said above by Stormsky, they are 'only' thoughts, and the fact that you have them mean you are the LEAST LIKELY of anyone to ever do anything, your brain is conjouring up the most frightening thing it can, and you are scared of it.

By accepting it, and understanding that you won't act on it (you just WON'T! trust me) you can see it for what it is - an anxiety mind trick. You may get these thoughts again, but you can rationalise them (out loud if necessary) by saying something like 'Oh here we go, another invasive/terrifying thought, what a surprise, oh well, it'll be gone soon and whilst I am waiting I will get on with cooking the tea etc.' I found that the more panicked you get, and the more you try and fight the thoughts, the worse they get.

See if for what it is, a thought and nothing more....

14-02-12, 13:46
If you actually wanted to harm, it wouldnt be a fear, youd actually be doing it.....so youd have nothing to face!
Its a fear because you dont want to harm....